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Posts posted by SuperCassette

  1. I'd recommend living around Main Street if you want affordable rent, as well as good eateries and shops nearby; and although I wouldn't necessarily say this is where the industry itself is located there is definitely a lot of budding young artists that live in this area.

  2. Out of Rome, Milan, Florence, and Sardina what would be the prime Italian city to rent an apartment in for a month in the spring? I am aware of each city's strong points so I want the overall king.

  3. I like vaginas, preferably well kept ones; Seriously though, I can't imagine any members of this board being against, or openly admitting to being against interracial relationships, it seems like a contradicition of terms, especially since many of the members here are jetset or at least fairly well traveled.

    But let's see, I'm basically half greek and half british and my last girl was a petit Japanese one, before here I was with a tall brunette with some canons while simaltaneously seeing a blonde that physically speaking fit the stereotype of a cheerleader, and prior to them I was dating a Fijian that was practically onyx

    I could further detail the many colours of SuperCassette but I think you get the picture.

    Edited by SuperCassette on Aug 15, 2005 at 10:18 PM

  4. I feel like a dumbass for even replying to a thread of such timeless significance, but fuck it:

    I began my Nike boycott in '98 when I was 16 because shit was played, this is in the suburbs of Vancouver, in which case as suburban youths I should have been between 10-13 years behind peeps in NY and Tokyo respectively.

    You can make as many justifications for or against the company as you like, aesthetic vs. labour practices etc., but it doesn't really matter if you wear Nikes or not, you either have style or you don't.

    I stopped wearing Nike because too many cats seemed dependent on that label alone to rock fly footwear, it lacks creativity to do this, fuck the sweatshop argument because most major urban shoe conglomerates employ reprehensible labour practices the only way to escape this is:

    A> Buy all your footwear from fashion houses that boast about the craftsmansihp behind their apparel ie// Hermes, Tod's, Bally etc. in which case you'd only have like fifteen pairs of kicks as opposed to one hundred icon_smile_dead.gif, or

    B> actually source out a reputable independent footwear brand that is not of great reknown for your sneakers and actually set a trend, isn't that what most of you think that you do anyway?icon_smile_big.gif

    Either way, who gives a fuck? Would your whole style be irrevocable altered for the worse if you weren't capable of wearing Nikes. Would your denim be less crisp, your cashmere more coarse, and your hoodies more suburban? Fuck it.

    On another note, do any of you actually know who Nike was, what the swoosh is, and their correlation with Knight and Bowerman's naming of their company.

    Funniest of all, the rights to the swoosh were sold for $35 in `71.

    Regardless, if you are buying Nike's for their superior aesthetic qualitiesit does make sense to have a few pairs, but being such an evidently self-conscious person don't you feel a tad repetitive wearing the same logo day after day?

    Let me illustrate for those in need, even if you eat a different kind of burger everyday, if you

    eat burgers everyday your still eating burgers everyday.

    The burger shit seg-ways into the marketing tip, who cares if you think Nike has great marketing, McDonald's has a pretty brilliant if more pedestrian marketing team, and does that mean you go out of your way to consume that trash?

    All in all, if you walk away from this thread today taking a personal affront to someone not feeling your collection of dunks, or not meshing with your trust-fund kid anti-consumerist vibe you should go fuck yourself, or somebody else at least, because I think that your level of vanity and self-conscioucness has left you with greater underlying problems than you realize and you probably need to release some of the pent up aggression you have stored.

  5. The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald

    The Cure for Death by Lightening - Gail Anderson-Dargatz

    A Clockwork Orange - Anthony Burgess

    Crime and Punishment - Fyodor Dostoevsky

    A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man - James Joyce

    Fury - Salman Rushdie

    Running in the Family - Michael Ondaatje

    Hamlet - William Shakespeare

    Catch 22 - Joseph Heller

    Oryx and Crake - Margeret Atwood

  6. I in no way disagree with your sentiments, rather I merely wish to clarify the roots of this derogatory word: The word nigger is an alteration of dialectal neger being rooted in the latin word niger which merely means black person which makes sense with countries bearing names such as Niger and Nigeria. This term was then twisted and distorted into a disparraging term usually referring to someone untrustworthy, unintelligent, poor, or stingy; I find the latter interesting as the archaic english word niggardly means to be petty in giving or spending and have often wondered whether there is any correlation between niggardly and the dialectal transformation of nigger.

    Does the word nigger actually mean anyone stupid though? Or is this rather the effects you have found it's usage to have on your person, does it make you feel as though someone has described you as stupid, handicapped, or in some manner lesser?

    As far as I have been able to determine it is only defined as a disparaging term for a member of any socially, economically, or politically deprived group of people and is of course 99% of the time directed at blacks. It is fitting that such a word be so unspecific and inarticulant as it is often used by many who are exactly that unspecific and inarticulant unable to detail their respective reasons for such mistrust, fear, and above all hate, because of course their hatred has no good reason being that it is rooted in centuries of social programming.

    Conversely, I find it extremely ironic that a couple of my negro friends (the suburban ones of course) call themselves niggaz, and that the word nigga is glorified and glamourized in pop culture since all that many of these artists and young men are doing by putting the word nigga on a pedestal is confirming the suspicions of ignorant white middle americans, for that matter ignorant people worldwide; not confirming any validity in these suspicions of couse, but by portraying the image of the bad nigga, the gangsta nigga, the pimp nigga, the ballin nigga and so forth for the general public, and glamourizing it, those susceptable mindless fucks are encouraged to fall into either the fold of the bigots or the wiggers.

    Subsequently another question arises, how are ultra successful black icons supposed to present themselves without being seen as either whitewashed or nigger rich (aka: ghetto fabulous) and not adversely affect the unperceptive portion of the publics perspective of black people worldwide? Is there a middle ground and if so what is it? Should they really have to worry about this bullshit? And lastly, if artists were to stop portraying themselves in the said manner would an integral part of american vernacular be jeopardized?

    All in all, if many people were not so fucking ignorant this shit wouldn't matter anymore because it shouldn't, and we wouldn't even ponder it's importance as it would no longer bear any.


    PS: I was listening to Big L's Lifestylez ov da Poor & Dangerous as I wrote this, is that ironic or fitting?

    Edited by SuperCassette on Mar 21, 2005 at 12:29 AM

  7. I'd say the N bomb is generally off limits for white people, unless of course one of your boys is black and calls you a honky cracker or something similar in jest all the time; in this case it's cool between close friends, but then there would usually be some sort of unspoken understanding. In other cases it's pretty fuckin racist

  8. I think cold turkey's probably the only way to go, because otherwise either way you look at it you're still smoking; Any other method's like quitting coke by limiting yourself to a halfpack for the weekends.

  9. Check out:

    El Kartel in Vancouver there digits are: 1. 604.683.2172. Ask for Pablo, he's one of the owners and he's hella chill, they were at Magic this year as well.

    From your e-mail I got the impression you want the contacts for the stores, if you want contact info on designers in Vancouver tell me, I'll be happy to oblige and provide you with more info.


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