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Posts posted by Bronson

  1. I know I may have cause a bit of a ruckus with this stuff. I'm sorry about that.

    Honesty, I thought this stuff was floating around and not that big of a deal since I got my hands on it and it was being released pretty soon. But what do I know right?

    Yes, I know. I'm gonna get mine, blah blah blah. sorry, but I'll survive. This is a case of stuff getting out there and being everywhere and most not realizing it.

    Just like movies hit the bootleg maket before being released. Just like fake nikes hit the streets the same day the real stuff does. Not even like this was bootleg gear. Just images that I though people would enjoy (and many did).

    It's no excuse, but I just wanted to say sorry.

    Edited by Bronson on Feb 21, 2006 at 07:40 PM

  2. Original London Stussy tribe. Circa 90'


    Barnzley (current House33, former Zoltar), Mick Jones (B.A.D, The Clash) Michael Koppleman (The Hideout, Gimmie 5, Stussy UK and the reason there is an ape store in London), James and Al.

    Al is rocking a Major Force hoodie...damn.

  3. Because CYC is very, very good.

    The quality is great. They only do high end garments, unlike most places that do mostly cheapo stuff and a few nice things here and there.

    If you've ever tried on a Wings hoodie or a Spruce hoodie you'll know what I mean.

    My Supreme sweats are over 5 years old and have taken a beating and have worn beautifuly as well.

  4. Stakes are high and Redfive are US based but designed only for a JP market.

    It's the same guy how used to do redfive in SF.....

    Unrivled used to be called Let it ride...from what I understand.

    Edited by Bronson on Jan 20, 2006 at 07:17 PM

  5. Urban Outfitters very possibly didn't rip off the shirt. They just bought a rip off design and put it under their own label. Whether they knew it or not is debateable, Johnny Cupcakes isn't exactly a brand most fashion forward people aspire to knock off. They usually do a good job of knocking off higher end fashion/streetstyle, not aming so low.

    Edited by Bronson on Jan 18, 2006 at 08:46 AM

  6. Yea, Started by a former Supreme designer. Ran a lot of production through the same guys as Supreme in Canada.

    The stuff I'd seen from them a few seasons ago were so nice. Very plain, no logos, just really good stuff.

    I've been trying to figure out what happened to them as well. The last I heard was that they ran into a bunch of production trouble and it just sorta stopped. It was quite pricy too....

  7. He's an Ad guy. A smooth talker. He's had no connection to the fashion/streetwear/cool guy/whatever industry at all. Never really had much interest as far as I know as well. It's all very recent cause he thinks he could work the "scene" and make some cash.

  8. I was actually being serious. You think you're the first one to ask this question?

    I was supposed to be arabic for Zoltar but whoever did it / got the translation did it wrong and it says Roltar.

    no joke.


    When they first did it and put it on shirts I asked one of the zoltar guys what it said and that is how it was explained to me.

    I have a hoodie with that arabic on it with the SS skull from a few years ago.

  9. 80's Alva team was AMAZING. Leather jackets and dreads.


    Suicidal Tendencies

    Minor Threat

    Henry Rollins (Black Flag Era)

    Late 80's Straight Edge

    Early 90's Grunge

    Old Men who haven changed their wardrobe since the 60's

    Hardcore flyers

    The Misfits



    Fragment Design

    Tony Alva

    The Jesus and Mary Chain

    the early 80's Powell Team




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