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Posts posted by EmmJay

  1. Wow..that's definitely a start or me....and yea..it's my first time...

    Had really planned a trip to NYC, but i guess it's kind of hard not to be drawn to Tokyo.

    A friend of mine is there now...actually hooking up with the Stussy- people, since he's distributing Stussy and Carhartt in Norway, and he said they are real friendly and always keen on showing you around to see fresh shops and sites..

    Thank for the tips..


  2. Hey People,

    I'm going to Tokyo on Jan 10th, staying for 10 days.

    Leaving from London. I guess i need all the tips i can get...my school will pay my planeticket, but the rest is up to me.

    Anyone got a tip on some nice&cheap places to stay..cheap hotel etc??...want to spend a lot of time in Harajuku, doing research for a sneaker project....so somewhere not to far away...if possible..If anyone wants to invite me to crash in their home..hey..no problem....I'm sure i can return the favor here in London.


    BTW..unfortunately I'm no 6 foot blond babe...but a m29 year old male..loves hiphop and streetwear


    Edited by EmmJay on Nov 24, 2004 at 10:14 AM

  3. hej,

    And there always a riski business, when the site doesn't have any contact info on it, besides a wack mail...so i wouldn't have bought from them.

    Prob be better off sending the link to evisu.com, and contribute to getting that fake ass shit off the web...


  4. Thanx for the respond

    I get really inspired by the Sneakerpimp tour. And what i might wanna to is to kind of introduce the whole thought of customizing, mixing arts and brands in a new way to the european continent as well.

    At least in Norway where I'm from there have never been enyone customizing their kicks...it's about time.

    who knows....but thanks for your thoughts...they make me able to develop my project even further


  5. thanx for the respond!

    Yeah, there are probably many sneakers out there that many people like better than the AF1.

    I guess i just can't help it...being raised with them on my feet and hiphop on my ears. It's not really a matter of flashing the bling, blings even more, it's just that i was hangin' with some friends drinking the other night and it appeared to us, how many things you actually express with your shoes, as well as with what you drink.

    And i guess since this might be the only time in my life that i'll be able to do a thing like this i wanted it to be exclusive...as i see things...

    Harmony and good winds your way!


  6. Hi,

    I'm 29 and from Oslo, Norway. I study at a school called The Kaospilots. A school of Creative Business Design, and Social Innovation.

    Right now I have the possibility to do a project about really whatever i want. I wanna focus on creating 16 pairs of sneakers..never seen before!!

    The BUBBLE KICKS sneakers!!!

    It will be my final project exam

    Let me tell you a bit more about the thoughts i have.

    I'm thinking of starting off with 16 pairs of AF1 white/white. (low)

    Then i would contact 16 world known street-artists and give them a pair each together with a bottle of champagne.

    The artists would be divided in four brands: Dom Perignon, Cristal, Veuve Clicquot and Krug. (as an example)

    Then they are to make an artwork of their pair, based on the inspiration they get from the specific bottle of champagne they were given, and based on their specific streetart skills

    Of course i want the actual champagne house to certify each pair.

    I'm not looking to create a commercial sucess of 10000 pairs of sneakers. But I love sneakers, and i would to have initiated my own customized shoes once in my lifetime.

    And now is the time, where I have the energy and time!!!

    I see them as perhaps just being part of a "sneaker-tour"...being part of exhibitions in different sneaker shops around the world. The top ones!! London, Tokyo, NYC

    Of course they will be presented in a cool champagne box...with a champagne cork as the tag...etc.....

    I'm tired of the lame LV, Gucci printed shoes, and wanna take them to the next level.

    Another cool thing would be if each little tag, on the front of the AF1's, (the little metal one) would be replaced with a small cylinder containing the actual Champagne!!

    Well i guess you get what i mean now.

    the hardest part could be to get the champagne brands to certify them as "genuine"....you know.....Cristal kicks......being part of the Bubble kicks series!!...i loved the thought of that anyway!!

    And i definitely will do them....

    If anyone is interested in helping make this dream of mine come true...please reply...

    Also if you wanna contribute on special part of the process..holla at me..!!

    Also bring on the feedback, on how it sounds

    Best Regards from an Arctic Sneaker/champagne and hiphop fan!!!


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