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Posts posted by mikeyt52

  1. thanks man.

    +rep for anyone who can guess how i shot it.

    mmmmmy guess... is a light above.. and something reflecting light back into the dark side of her face... ooooooor... a light above and another light shot through something like blinds.. but i think more of a reflection thing goin on....

  2. mikeyt52, i'm no expert, but i think this would look a lot better if you got rid of the people at the bottom of the frame


    thanks for the response!

    i think i'm going to keep it as is. the people kind of give perspective as well as weighting down the bottom of the frame. i tried it cropped as you said, and to me the wave seems to look like it's floating... thanks though!

  3. hey... yeah... went to the MOCA today... it was.... ok... seems like they rushed putting the show together.... and the photography......... ummm... it was ok... there were a handfull of the bunch that i liked... but the rest weren't of a style that i enjoyed... i went to this...


    it was a pretty good show... if you enjoy photography, you might want to check it out... it was free...

    i walked all along nanjing dong lu... from near J?.. the mall... and... plaza 66? i think it's called... from there all the way down to the bund... so many shops... im back in suzhou today untill friday and half of saturday... (going back to shanghai)... i really enjoy shanghai... but yeah... if there's other stuff... hook it up... haha... do you know of any places that sell stuff for cheap from the factories?... liiiiiiiike... someone stole some nike's off of the truck or something? haha... thanks again for your help!


    "never disrepect women, cause i love my momma..." -Talib

  4. hey thanks rob... im goin to shanghai tomorrow... have been to suzhou and beijing... it's been great so far... im gonna check out some art shows around the city as well as the MOCA... can't wait.. and... can't forget the markets... good deal... thanks for the help!

    "never disrepect women, cause i love my momma..." -Talib

  5. aight... so i'm gonna be Suzhou for two workday weeks, Shanghai for several days, and Beijing for a weekend. im trying to figure out where to go to shop. places that aren't in travel guides. Places like Reed space, Alife, and all those shops on lafayette in NYC. and on top of clothing stores im lookin for some bookstores like Kinokuniya in Sydney? and maybe some art galleries... i'm a photographer in LA and would love to check out the art scenes at any of these cities. If anyone has any information that'd be awesome... Addresses or websites would be helpfull as well... thanks!

    "never disrepect women, cause i love my momma..." -Talib

    Edited by mikeyt52 on Sep 13, 2005 at 12:43 AM

  6. ooooooooooooo.... kinokuniya!!!!... i didn't know they had one in NYC... i was just in sydney... and went to that bookstore several times while i was there.... thankyamuch...

    "never disrepect women, cause i love my momma..." -Talib

  7. gonna be in NYC this weekend... where are some good bookstores or magazine stands around manhattan?... i went to reed space last time and they had a lot of good books... found some that i couldn't find anywhere else... any more shops like that?

    "never disrepect women, cause i love my momma..." -Talib

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