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Posts posted by Funki

  1. Hello, i'm a regular reader of these forums, but never bothered myself to make an account till now, because i have a question for the bape-experts i know are here.

    I regularly search ebay for adidas bape, because i still want a pair of the camo superstars or the gray skates. Anyways, while searching, i run into this seller on the Dutch ebay, who claims to be selling a 2004 model of the superstars, for a quite low price ^^.

    However, normally when i send some emails, they will never say the shoes are authentic, but this guy keeps saying they are (making him an law-offender by dutch law, afaik, if they are fake)

    here is the link to the shoes: http://cgi.ebay.nl/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=8126432004&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT

    and this is the conversation we had so far:

    (keep in mind that i was trying to get answers from the guy, some things i say might be lies, and also sometimes it may seem i'm not so bright, but im not! :D )

    my first email: Beste chris_fs,

    Are you sure these are real?

    I am a big BAPE fan, and i know many others. All over the world in magazines and weblogs, no one has heard of a new model of the super ape star yet. Also i have never seen bape's being shipped in normal blue adidas boxes.

    Can you ensure me these are authentic, for example giving me links to distributor or any known magazine that talks about them?

    to which his reply was:

    ok, at this moment there are three place around world made bape stuff, tailand, japan, china. most of t shirt r made in japan and tailand,but the shoes i show u r made in china,i get this directly from the factory, cuz factory made order of this prodct, and each order have one ape+adidas box, so they are matched, but this two is the extra bape+ adidas shoes factory made by itself, to release to the market, its real for sure and its new, thats why i sell it in 59,euro. if u get it, that will be a big bargain, beleiveme, I just get three of them, I also crazy about bape, and leave one for my self and another two for u guys.

    then without asking for anything, but using his ebay link, he sent this mail:

    this is the link of a web which have this super bape star, u can check it!!!!!----the last shoe of that page http://www.aproxonline.com/en/mainclass221.asp

    Anyways, what i'm trying to find out is:

    - Is there a model released, that looks like the ones on the auction?

    - If so, do these look real?

    - On the link he gave me, is a pair of olive ape skates, isnt the lip supposed to say "bathing ape skate" instead of "super ape skate" ?

    - if confirming answer on nr.3, could it be he is so stupid that he didnt know the site has fakes? :)

    sorry, this post is 90% useless info, but plz tell me if there is such a model releasedicon_smile_shock.gif

    Edited by Funki on Aug 22, 2004 at 03:03 AM

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