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Posts posted by stopatnothing

  1. MIA is great and stuff, but i find her to be getting far more hype than she deserves, the mixtape was pretty excellent, but i found myself really underwhelmed by the full length.

  2. Currently loving

    Run the Road Comp

    Diplo mixtapes

    new Outhud full length

    Morgan Geist(aka Metro Area) - Unclassics

    DNA on DNA

    DFA comp #2

    NOIA - Unreleased Classics 78-82

    Soft Pink Truth - Do you want new wave or do you want the soft pink truth

    Tujiko Noriko - Make Me Hard

    Sunflower - Exquisite Fucking Boredom

    Also, Merzbot, I'm sure several of us on this board listen to noise, and I'd guess alot know about noise, but since we're no longer 16 and trying to piss off our parents we don't go around throwing it in everyone's faces. No one cares you like 'crazy japanese' music, get over the exoticism dude.

    Edited by stopatnothing on Mar 8, 2005 at 07:54 PM

  3. hey all

    I really hate to post this type of message, but if anyone can hook me up with some surface2air tees(sz small) or any of the rings they did a while back, send me an email or pm me or reply or something and i'll make sure it will be worth ur while

  4. To be honest, I have had absolutely no problem with the goodfoot heads, but thats just me personally, obviously I can't speak for other people who may have felt they were dissed(or actually were dissed!) but like i said, they seem to be pretty nice people as far as i'm concerned.

    Its a great store and they've been better than alot of places i've been to in terms of attitude

  5. Fucking champs - IV

    dizzee rascal - showtime

    2 live crew - as nasty as they wanna be

    animal collective - song tungs

    esg - south bronx story

    lightning bolt - wonderful rainbow

    dat politics - go pets go


    guns n roses - appetite for destruction

    new hidden cameras full length.. forget the title

  6. I'm gonna go ahead and agree 100% with red's list. its completely on the mark.

    i'm gonna add kids 'ironically' listening to hip hop and vice magazine and urban mohawks(this one might go without saying.. actually, i really hope it does go without saying)

  7. "MindTrix is clothing for the body AND soul. It's sophisticated and smooth, like the people who wear it, cool, cutting edge and worn to be seen. MindTrix moves and grooves to the beat called Life and unites us all in style."

    Most hilarious thing EVER. like wtf... grooves to the beat called Life?!

    I really hope this kid has a trust fund. . .

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