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Posts posted by chrizbot

  1. I second Rolo. It has consistantly had good clothing. I like the one on Howard street around 8th.

    Recon has been kinda lax on their clothing designs for the last year or two IMHO, but worth a check.

    The whole sneaker thing passed me by so Huf is not on my shopping route usually, but if it is it is probably the best place to go for special sneakers. If you are looking for regular ones there are a few places on Market street near the tenderloin that have fat laces and regular brands so you can make your own... ;-) Mine are white with black trim shelltoes with fat black laces.

    When I think of "hip hop" gear now, the image of Sean John and Ecko come up, but those are available in Macy's now...

  2. The night markets are pretty cool for food and souvenirs. I checked them out the last few nights.

    The only bar/club-ish type place I have been so far is Coyote and it is pretty funny/bad with lots of girls singing American (and some Chinese) songs. It is funny, but probably not worth the money for most people.

    Are there any clubs or bar recommendations?

    I'll give a full report with what I find later...



  3. It matters what you want to shop for, but my favorites are:

    * Hayes Valley - Hayes Street between Gough and Laguna.

    * Marina - the best men's shop is Jack's, but I am unsure about women's clothing.

    * Mission - Valiencia Street between 16th and 20th or so will have some cool shops.

    * Union Square - good high end shops like Niemans, but pricey.


  4. The generic answer is probably something like fireworks down by the Embarcadero. It can get pretty packed though.

    Is there something in particular you had in mind? I generally don't hit the big clubs on NYE, but I like to go to friend's bars and such...


  5. Hey everyone.

    I am in Taipei right now and I wondering if there are any recommendations for interesting things to do here that people would recommend as locals and tourists.

    Generally, I like things that I can't get anywhere else other than the city I am in.



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