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Posts posted by capsul

  1. i have seen many pacific/birdy folders with leather saddles. beautiful match, especially with the chrome version.

    a guy across the street parks his on the sidewalk, but the leather has taken it all in stride.

    adam - have you ever seen another birdy in nyc?


  2. small bikes/minis/folders.. google these:

    "peugeot pacific" - great urban assault vehicle, especially if you have to store the bike in your walkway after the battle. dripping with gears, levers, etc. various limited edition colors - there was a great cream/orange version, mmm, sharp. you will find that all links are in japanese, so the assumption is that it will be harder to find outside of japan. (costs about 100,000yen)

    "jedi-r" - before/after googling, go to: http://www.akiworld.co.jp/lgs/ - great resource for louis garneau bikes. the jedi-r is the top folder, pricey compared to the pacific (140,000yen), but a better-made bike - and includes all the things that you want in an urban folder. also check out garneau's lgs series - save some money and get a better-performing machine - if you don't need it to fold, consider a lgs. as with the pacific, these may be hard to find outside of japan.

    "bridgestone moulton" - most links returned are from english (england) sites. EXPENSIVE, not foldable like the pacific/jedi, not dripping with gears and gadgets, but very well-made. i test rode one (there are a few configurations) - alright i guess - but the price is unbelieveable at a million yen (yep - you can outfit a platoon in pacifics for the cost of one moulton).

    good luck!


    Edited by capsul on Mar 3, 2004 at 07:29 PM

  3. i live just across the tracks from there.. a few months back, i asked two guys smoking near the entrance of the office building next to the machine about it - they said that it has been there a long, long time. older office guy said the only thing that had changed in the last coupla years was the addition of the theft deterrent chain. they have never seen it being serviced or used (but admitted that they are there only during the daytime, outta the prime binge-condom-purchasing time).

    my vote is with oji-san patiently waiting for his ROI.. even if it takes another fifteen years.


  4. On Nov 30, Apple's first non-US store opens in Tokyo, across the street from Matsuya/Mitsukoshi department stores. 5 floors of fun for the Mac-crazy.

    On Dec 2, 19:30, the Super Deluxe Showcase is in the house.. Unconventional ways to use your Mac, hosted by Namaiki, Klein Dytham, and friends.

    (superfuture insiders: is Namaiki a part of KD, or a separate group? I have seen their name together a few times recently.. thx!)



  5. thanks for the info - exactly what i was looking for.

    i had read about the project's 10m-high glass and steel wall that runs along the boulevard, breached once by a grande entranceway to... what? more shops? tiered smoking areas? hm. dreary is right.

    i knew there was something i forgot in my original post: the superfuture map on the construction wall is fantastic - great work!

    .. . .. .



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