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Posts posted by bobbyhundreds

  1. 8five2shop for brands like fiberops, know1edge, crooks&castles, fuckingawesome, irons, and thehundreds. also got all your skate needs. out of any "street" or skate shop in causeway bay, this store is always packed with clientele. there's a store called Dusty, Loll, man, a MILLION streetwear-type shops wherever you look in causeway bay. gotta keep your eyes peeled and look up and down the buildings because most the shops are on the 2nd, 3rd, floors, etc.

    aside from Milk magazine, I'd also recommend Friday magazine. There are just as many streetwear-related magazines as there are boutiques in HK and they all have ...uhh.competitve names. Friday, Monday, Milk, Tea,..

    but be aware that the magazines out here are focused around the brands that pay alotta $ to be featured, so just as with any big media, they're slanted.

    thehundreds is huge.


  2. haha man I didn't mean for this to turn into a pat-me-on-the-back fest, but thanks anyways.

    Like I said, you have free reign to pick our brand apart. Critique. Criticism. It's all good. That's what messageboards are for, right? Don't be surprised if I have an explosive response because that's how I may feel about a jab. At the same time, I think we're all mature enough to understand that it's all dialogue. You can expect me to always be on ST, ready and willing to have an open discussion as to what I'm trying to do with our brand, so if you want to publicly address something regarding us, ST is the place to do it.

    Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, taste, and conjectures about our work. At times, it's hard for me to hear "hate" considering how much this stuff means to me (yes, even a simple t-shirt graphic of the Lost Boys sums up an entire personal story I've been traversing through over the past year), but I do my best to keep things in perspective and remain objective in my response.

    We may end up in screaming matches on this board, but dude, at the end of the day, it's just clothes and t-shirts and hype, and we're all just having a dialogue. This is not my entire life, nor is it yours. Like homeboy above me said, sometimes it takes me shutting-off the computer to remember what's important!

    I think it's safe to say that the vast majority of ST is involved at some level in the industry. So your opinions mean a lot to me, considering how young of a brand we are, and how much we have to learn.

    Anyways, I am always lurking several messageboards that many of you frequent, my email address is on our website, and I even gots me one o' dem Myspace thingamabobbers. I have done everything I can to open myself up to anyone who is wishing to engage in a dialogue. So take advantage of that.

    thehundreds is huge.


    Edited by bobbyhundreds on Mar 18, 2006 at 03:31 PM

  3. Do I respond?

    If I do, then I look like a defensive whiny pansy boy.

    If I don't, then I leave our brand open to baseless gossip.

    Hmmm.. ah, what the hell. You can never keep the Cool Guys happy. Especially Internet Cool Guys. Those are the worst kind.

    Anyways, as goes my disclaimer on messageboard responses, if any of these individuals had personally emailed me with these concerns, I would have responded in kind. Since they asked in a public forum, I will respond in kind.


    Yes, I must admit our "Death" tee looks similar to Rockers' tee. But I actually think it looks a lot closer to Obituary's, Cradle of Filth's, Exhumed's, Dark Throne's, Emperor's, and every other band on Earache's t-shirts. In fact, as did Rockers, this graphic is based on death-metal tees I wore in high school. There you go.


    We've been using Paisley for quite a while now. Nothing new.


    1) I'm sorry to break it to you, but no, we didn't bite Supreme's "rottweiler" tee (in fact, I don't even know what you're talking about). The Pit Bull tee's graphic is pulled from Griff's hoverboard in "Back to the Future 2," which I have referenced in past seasons as well. And relax homey, it's just a dog. I'm surprised you didn't think I bit LRG's bulldog tee, or the Mack Trucks bulldog, or the Taco Bell chihuahua.

    2) Trying to claim things? ..using skateboarding as a "crutch" to gain "cred"?! Our background in skateboarding? I am dying to answer this sarcastically, but I will be straight-up. Like I established when we released our "Thank You Skateboarding" tee, I have skated since I was 12, and it shaped my life. How much more cred do you need? Does it help that both Scotty and I worked at Transworld? Or that I had a skate photo exhibit with Craig Stecyk and Friedman in high school? No??? Man, that sucks. You're right. We're posers. And to answer your next question, we still suck at skating. Skate or die dude.

    3) And I'm so sorry that "everyone sucks their dick whenever shit comes out. " I must sincerely apologize that there are people in this world who actually appreciate our product. Oh darn.


    WHO THE HELL SAID WE MADE 2,000 TEES !??! Bwaahahahaha. Speakin' of hype, it's rumors like that that get hypebeasts wet. So I guess I should thank you for building false hype for us. LIKE I SAID ON OUR SITE (which - judging by your quotes - you've obviously read, so I don't know where the miscommunication lies), we only reserve a FEW items for online sales. THUS, the blowout. No, nothing close to 2,000 tees. More like 20 tees of each style. Ahhh, does that make you feel better? Now you can breathe easier knowing that we're still poor and unsuccessful.!

    Freedom Fighter our biggest fan: you wrote:

    Quote: they tak about stussy, undftd, ssur, etc, but then they sell to niketalkers and kids.

    I will try our best to withhold our product from your enemies. At this time, we are hiring CoolGuys to stand watch at Union NYC to make sure only non-niketalkers and only individuals over the age of 25 (and who are responsible) have access to our product. I mean seriously dude,... what!!???!

    I don't want to get caught up in all the negativity and sarcasm, because we have so many supporters on these boards who have watched us grow, and we are thankful. I've said it before and I'll say it again. I was the 16th person to register for Supertalk and will always love being a member of this community. Ben and I have been waiting for this day for years, where a Supertalk post would attract so much gossip and errant speculation. Truly shows that we're striking a nerve.!

    Also, I am fully aware of the distinction between jealousy-based "hating" and critique. We're always grateful for the compliments, but also more interested in critique that many ST veterans have given us over the years. Trust me, I pay attention to the thoughtful, intelligent, and wel

  4. Union on La Brea

    Undftd and Stussy on La Brea

    Supreme on Fairfax

    Brooklyn Projects on Melrose.

    Barracuda on Melrose.

    Kendo on Melrose.

    Span of Sunset on Sunset

    Grey One in Pasadena

    Hot Rod in Westwood

    Undefeated in Santa Monica

    Conveyor at Fred Segal in Santa Monica.

    Situationormal in Downtown LA

    Routes in Downtown LA

    Lion's Den in Downtown LA

    Black Market on Sawtelle


    there are a few more, but I'm blanking.

    and much more coming very very soon. Don't sleep on the City of Angels.

    thehundreds is huge.


    Edited by bobbyhundreds on Jan 10, 2006 at 12:02 AM

  5. As much as other brands have been - and will continue - to try and steal Nike's shine, it'll never happen.

    Nike is like Coca-Cola. They were first, have done it right for years, and are branded so strongly (above-, and underground), that they're only gonna run FASTER with everyone nipping at its heels. [Especially this next year, which is gonna be the year of the Jordan and Air Max]

    That being said, I'm gonna say VANS is gonna make a strong showing this year (which has been building up the past 2 years). [Personally, I'd like to see Chucks and Jack Purcells get the attention they deserve.]

    For years, I've been callin'/hoping on Cr8Rec because they've established a solid image, their shoes tout the cleanest design, and they're not on Dunk-pattern jock, ..but it just hasn't happened... at least not in my immediate sneaker-fiend community. I think maybe it's because the street-cred element isn't there. It seems like it's become more of a shoe for an upper-echelon/high-end demographic [i'm assuming that was their goal considering the ad campaign, the Barney's move, etc.] : more of a Polo/blazer look, than t-shirt/New Era. Regardless, Cr8Rec always gets mad daps from me because they're intent on doing their own thing and sticking to it.

    thehundreds is huge.


    Edited by bobbyhundreds on Dec 28, 2005 at 10:50 AM

  6. Word. I agree with KING.

    Supertalk has lost much of it's original flava. Not to mention most of the OG crew who talked a good roundtable on all fashion, not just denim.

    Would just make things a lot more streamlined, functional, and inviting, to delineate a distinct denim forum for all that relevant information.

    thehundreds is huge.


  7. Dude! There were much better Mossimo graphics, years before that one.

    My personal favorites were:

    1) BB King on a white shirt, gold/black print from what i remember.

    2) Harley bike drawing

    3) Mr. Clean with the "Come Clean" text

    4) the Mr. Bubbles one

    5) the Mr. Condom guy with the fishing pole over his shoulder

    anyways, the classic cartoony graphics were the best

    their plaid shorts were pretty dope also, with the Mossimo embroidered at the bottom.

    Oh Mossimo. What could have been...

    thehundreds is huge.


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