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What Do You Think Happens After We Die?


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i was fortunate to be raised a free spirit and came to my own conclusion of the afterlife in elementary school.. the word 'reincarnation' fell on my ears some years later. when looking at nature (which one should do more often) you see the patterns of life. energy comes and energy goes. just because we can fathom our own existence does not make us any more special than the other creatures walking the green earth and we will all end up in the same 'heaven' at one point and be deployed accordingly.

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some ugly stuff will eat you then those stuff will be eaten by like birds and those birds by a lion, and someone's gonna eat a lion cheeseburger and you'll get pooped something will eat your poop and this thing will die but disintegrate into some loam and someone will grow weed on it. so when you die you end up in a lion cheeseburger and then in some weed you'll be smoked that's pretty cool.

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