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The Luggage Thread


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Holiday travel season is right around the corner. Usually, I travel with a backpack as my carry-on bag, but I'm thinking about getting a bigger carry-on bag with wheels for convenience.

Stopped by the Samsonite black label shop today and saw the McLaren bags - not bad and a bit more reasonably priced than most of the black label stuff :


any other suggestions?

I typically carry laptop, camera and lenses, jacket/hoody and other odds and ends. Backpack just isn't big enough anymore.

oh, and budget is big factor! i'd like to keep it under $400 if possible...

what do you all use when you travel??

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I use the Burton Flight Deck 119178l.jpg

i got mine on sale at sierrasnowboard for like 60 bucks, normally they run around $200. so far its been holding up.

liked it so much also ended up getting a burton double deck when im on longer trips

I use a patagonia lightwire 25 backpack also

Really like the rimowa topas line though..probably will break down and just shell out for my next piece

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i took a look at some rimowa's and i like them a lot. not bad but there's no pockets and stuff inside, so i don't think i can throw the macbook in there. i'd have to still carry a backpack for that unfortunately.

damn, i leave on Thursday - want to pick up something soon!

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i took a look at some rimowa's and i like them a lot. not bad but there's no pockets and stuff inside, so i don't think i can throw the macbook in there. i'd have to still carry a backpack for that unfortunately.

damn, i leave on Thursday - want to pick up something soon!

Most airlines allow you to carry-on a second small bag (like messenger laptop bag sized) for free but don't really advertise this.

Otherwise just get one of those neoprene sleeves and you'll be fine. It's a carry-on after all, so nobody's throwing it off those luggage buses.

I travel with an Ann Demeulemeester Weekend bag (just barely fits carry-on dimensions, I've had it hold over 25kg to reduce check-in weight) and a Head Porter (lol) messenger bag that looks like a laptop bag but actually fits a ton of other stuff as well. With those two combined I don't have to check anything in for trips that last less than a week. If I need a suit, I switch the messenger for a garment bag.

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I swear by Hideo Wakamatsu luggage...

I think every major city in America has at least one account if i'm not mistaken.

The best part is their customer service is amazing for warranty work and their prices are super low for what you're getting.


Sorry, here's the site in english: http://hideowakamatsu.com/

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  • 3 weeks later...
My girlfriend got me a Globetrotter case for Christmas, absolutely love it...




your girlfriend has good taste. I've never been disappointed by globetrotter, and the quality of work is excellent.

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