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How's the stretchback on BiG's lot of No.1 Special? I think Gordon's gesture is actually in the true vein of charity, the kind that hurts a little to do. So I'd like to float some support since I need some new jeans anyway.

I've kind of liked the stamped look on the gulls too. I know it's more the International/Puma vibe than the hand-done ones, but it's not a bad look.

If a hot dry would get his true-39 down to 36-ish it would be fine, as long as it doesn't ream back out to 39.

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hrm it would seem so.

While I'm between jeans I've just been wearing some cheap tts Levi's. They stretched out to 38 pretty quickly, even under the belt lol. The fit IS maintaining though, albeit a tad loose.

I know these jeans couldn't be any more different, but what I'm saying is a 38 post-stretch is maintaining. I'll have to consider the 39 No.1 a bit more.

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I just picked these up earlier and i have no idea what they are





I read around that lot.3 is the cheapest (lowest quality kind) without selvage but my pair has selvage. There is also a tag on the back saying evisu heritage. Can anyone shed some light please?


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hrm it would seem so.

While I'm between jeans I've just been wearing some cheap tts Levi's. They stretched out to 38 pretty quickly, even under the belt lol. The fit IS maintaining though, albeit a tad loose.

I know these jeans couldn't be any more different, but what I'm saying is a 38 post-stretch is maintaining. I'll have to consider the 39 No.1 a bit more.


I was in the same position as you when deciding to buy Ed's 2000 no.0- they are tagged 38. Ideally I would have taken a 36 or even a 35. They shrank down to 35.5" and after two months of wear have settled at 36.5". One thing about wearing jeans oversized is that your waist/stomach isn't putting much pressure on them so they dont stretch as much as a tighter fitting pair would. Also, 2000s are a cut that look decent baggy, so how can you go wrong?

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I was in the same position as you when deciding to buy Ed's 2000 no.0- they are tagged 38. Ideally I would have taken a 36 or even a 35. They shrank down to 35.5" and after two months of wear have settled at 36.5". One thing about wearing jeans oversized is that your waist/stomach isn't putting much pressure on them so they dont stretch as much as a tighter fitting pair would. Also, 2000s are a cut that look decent baggy, so how can you go wrong?

Yes, the fuller fit is what's got me on the fence, Dirty. Thanks for the info!

***well, I'm going to pass. Too much on the fence, it's better to walk away when that's the case.

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Today I walked into Evisu Saburo (savile row) with the intention of getting a shirt made but walked out with these bad boys for £140 reduced from £395! Last pair they had hidden away in the back!


Could someone tell me the background info on these?

Has anyone got a pair of these? what are the fades like? what do people think?

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Guest rusholmeruffian
Not quite Lazy S. but some of you might be interested in these...the seller has several sizes for a decent BIN price:


They seem all good to me, and you won't see these on sale in the West too often...

Ed means this Ben. thanks for the knowledge

I got a pair off him, nice.



You will love them bluegoldblues, good choice

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You will love them bluegoldblues, good choice

Cheers bro, yeah really liking them so far about to do the first wash how long shall I put them in the bath for? hot water?

I got a pair off him, nice.

I looked at these on the bay before and noticed that my pair has a few subtle differences, I'm not saying yours aren't legit but I was dubious when seeing the ebay page considering he seems to have a large amount of them.


Donut Hole WWII Buttons


Completely different rivets


Plain white vintage style selvage


the size is marked as size 5 instead of like 34 or 36


Different colour patch?

Is it normal for these jeans to have such different hardware?? I'm new to MIJ evisu!

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Guest rusholmeruffian

I defer to ctb' s knowledge on these.

Mine have different buttons, selvage & colour patch , different stitching also

It would seem these aren't the same jeans.

I can't see either of them being snide though, they aren't the model that usually happens on.

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x-post from Evo Thread

Flash, the last pic is for you regarding the selvedge. It was hard to capture the silver/gold threads but if you say our pairs are from the same batch it will be very interesting to compare them. Hurry and start wearing em again

lot 2000 no.1 size34

Started Sept 2008 (4 Washes)






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