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video games ruined my life


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yeah, as long as it plays fine I'll be happy. The fun in this game comes from playing with your friends and talking shit.

They are really trying to do a shit ton of stuff with this game though. We'll see how it all pans out.

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all that matters is they're using the same engine from MW2

oh this is funny, well who cares about innovation anyway?

it's one thing with a game like counter-strike as it seldom receives updates, but to have a yearly release made up of recycled components is something that should be worrying. Lest we forget there's cod elite and at least 2 decent-sized DLC packs to get the 'full experience'.

In other settings this would be labeled exploitation. Kotick is laughing. :rolleyes:

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and to be honest, we don't want super innovation with a series like this. We just some improvements and new features, but we don't want you to fuck up the game we already have fun with.

PC gamers will stick to their beloved games until something crazy new comes out, but that's just not how console gamers work imo. We cop dat new shit every year for better or worse.

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Sony has been firm on saying that the PS3 is a ten-year console. It dropped in 2006, so it's still at only half it's expected life.

Can't chime in on xbox tho.

Microsoft is expected to announce a new console at 2012 E3

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yeah if Microsoft does indeed announce something new, with a likely 2013 release, i expect Sony to have something announced and released by holiday 2014 at the latest. I also anticipate a HUGE push on the vita to compete if they're the last of the big 3 to release a new console

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ps2 came out first (post saturn) and won that generation,

you could probably make the case 360 has 'won' this time around, though things aren't so straightforward this time. I do think having a console out earlier is an advantage. Same thing happened with the PS and N64

There is speculation again, that Sony won't be investing in cutting-edge tech this time around - well, I guess that's pretty obvious given their economic position - I think this would enable them to also push out a release at least concurrently or before the next xbox...

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Never got in to oblivion but this looks great. Smooth and nice.

I chose the imperial class. Lots of fun options.

Anyone else cop?

Ps- did not mean to do a midnight cop but they were open on my home. Yay.

Edited by AstroWolf
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