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video games ruined my life


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lul calm down, I don't camp since it doesn't get you good scores and is very boring, nor do I try hard despite what you may think. I'm not some srs business "pro" gamer who camps to preserve their e-peen, but I do have a knack for FPS games.

You need to stop slating people you don't know just because they do well on a computer game and learn accept that people can do well, even if you don't think they can.

this isn't about you.

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You've mentioned me by reference and context of the following sentence implies you calling me a "try hard camper" lul

i didnt bring you up. your boy astrowolf just can't stop talking about you.

he keeps saying that your going to rape me. (???)

i have no personal problem with you. talk to him about it.

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we got raped in that first demo game. dudes had us confined to our spawn pretty well. In both the games with those guys though I connected wayyyy late. The bomb had already been planted. Shit was laggy too but they were good.

I did well enough with my sniper rifle and spas in the other matches. I just unlocked the M1014 and fuck that shit. Spas alllll day.

the GURU clan game? that was wack...

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FMJ makes the SPAS noticeably stronger, it's pretty much a 1 shot kill anywhere on the body from decent to ridiculous range

I'll try it but I'm getting one shot kills all day from a good enough range with the grip attached. Because when I tried the M1014 I was having to double tap and that's just not acceptable with a shotty mannn.

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started using OMA w/danger close and noob tubes and loved it. on ground war domination on scrapyard you can defend the whole map in the house at flag A. went 31-2 there and 28-1 on afghan and karachi which i suck on.

i usually use :

ump silenced

magnum w/tac knife

marathon pro

lightweight pro

commando pro

i try to knife only.


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just had a pretty funny situation in FFA on terminal.

i was in the back room, campin it up, and du snuck up behind me while i was staring off in space... he was dancing around behind me for a couple seconds before the shank to pour salt on the wound(killcam)...

so i go back, but see a tactical insertion set up outside before i go in. i decide to set up a claymore.

I go in and get the kill, and as hes talking shit about how i got him back he respawns, and boom goes the dynamite. lulz.

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