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edc [everyday carry] shaved my wife


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pulling a knife is definitely something people that carry them should think long and hard about before hand. I've taken knife fighting / kali silat classes for a few years and I have seen the damage trained knife fighters take when they have gotten into real knife fights.

But if you pull a knife and it somehow gets taken away from you, you deserve to get stabbed with it. Only way / reason a knife would be taken away from you is

1. if you are a complete novice dumbass with a knife (which is a very real scenario I guess), in which case you should not carry /or pull out your knife

2. the person is very well trained at disarms or just insane and runs at you / tackles you to disarm you. if the person is that well trained or crazy, you are probably effed anyway. I dont know many untrained people who are going to run at a person with a knife but thats just me.

So all this talk of having your knife taken away and used on you doesn't make alot of sense to me unless it those scenarios or the person has a gun or knife in which case they dont really need your knife anyway

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Bottom line: Don't pull a knife if you're not trained on how to use it, don't pull it unless you're willing to kill that person.

+1 which y ill never body carry a knife ever again. i couldnt live with the guilt of taking someone else's life with my own hands.

Now think about how quickly you can grab your keys, orient your pepperspray, and get a good shot if in a stress situation. Just things to think about.

good point, but also remember this applies to knives or a tactical pen. and well i know im not the only one who likes nice slim denim here. i know pulling nething in a hurry from outta my jeans pockets is hella hard lol.

which is y i specifically like that kubotan spray i linked. cuz at least in the hypothetical situation in which u are confronted on way to ur car or home, u usually have ur keys out already. and also since its not in a holster like some other keychain sprays, ur able to deploy it much quicker. and theres a bigger margin of error with the spray compared to a knife since it sprays out a wide fog. and of course...u could use it as kubotan

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You can carry a knife, just don't rely on it for self defense. The majority of people that carry a knife use it for a utility purpose, not as a weapon.

I carry my keys clipped to my belt loop, tucked in my pocket, so for me it'd be hard to get something on my keychain 'in the fight' quickly. I'll rely on my flashlight that's in my pocket to blind someone. But whatever works for you. I'm a firm believer of having a system that best works for YOU and that YOU are comfortable with.

Also if anyone is looking for a slightly larger EDC/defense flashlight, I recommend a Surefire E2D LED. I have the incandescent one, and a fw of my friends have the LED. I think I'm going to get a AAA maratac for my keys, and carry my e2d as a main light. Two modes, 200 lumen high, 5 low, high comes on first. Nice strike bezel to do some damage as a kubaton.


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EDC Fail, Quark ran out of batteries while changing my girls tire. :(

Been so much sketchy shit happening at my apt complex, combined with a close friend being assaulted that I'm starting to look into practical self defense gear. I agree that a knife is really a last resort option and I'm not looking to get 3-5 for stabbing a meth head (though to be fair, NM does protect people very well in regards to self defense) Kubaton's seem like a nice, non lethal alternative, but there is still that deployment issue.


Yea, I don't think we realize how powerful these flashlights are into we get hit with one of them. Friend blasted me in the eyes with my quark and I could barely see for a good 10 seconds.

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blinding someone in a serious situation.....not a good defense strategy imo but in theory it sounds like a good plan.

Taking away someone's most used and most important sense for 10-15 seconds is not a good defense strategy? Are you kidding me? My #1 priority is evasion/escape, blinding someone for 10 second allows you to escape without them knowing where you went, and gives you a good head start. If I can't evade, that temporary blindness allows me to engage the threat and make a first strike/follow up and hopefully disable the threat, or at least strike them and disorient them enough so that I can escape. If I blind someone and hit them in the face with a bezeled edge of a flashlight, do a sternum punch and knee kick, then I'm doing pretty good.

Have a friend blind you with a 150 lumen light, and see how well you function after that. I guarantee that you'll be surprised on how effective it is.

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I get your point 35percent, and you're right I've never been blinded with a 150 lumen light before. However with someone rushing at you and/or tackling/wrestling with you I just find it hard to believe I could actually grab my flashlight and get to the point were I could actually shine it directly in there eyes. As opposed to quickly sticking them in the ribs with a blade. Just my opinion, but I do see where you're coming from too.

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blinding someone in a serious situation.....not a good defense strategy imo but in theory it sounds like a good plan.

Actually it's one of the better strategies. Pepperspray is a blinding technique.

They can't hurt you if they can't find you.

It's also why you aim for the nose when you get attacked, because it m-m-m-m-makes their eyyyyyes raaaaaain.

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My wife used to EDC bear spray for running in the forest here where bears are a real and present issue. One day while returning from the States the border guards called us in as part of a work to rule slow down. They grilled us with questions for a half hour finding nothing. Then they decided to have us empty all our pockets and her purse. When they saw the spray their eyes practically lit up. They told us it was legal to possess but not legal to carry and so they confiscated it and finally let us go on our way.

I was under the impression that police and security personnel with permits were the only ones allowed to possess and carry pepper spray in Canada, while bear or dog spray were allowable carry. We were scratching our heads but have learned not to argue with border guards as that is not a fight you are going to win.

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Legal to possess but not transfer/ carry over the border maybe? I'm not to sure on the laws of that.

@ Dchill - I'm only going to pull my knife or gun if I'm prepared to kill them. A drunk frat bro that wants to start shit probably doesn't warrant putting 3" of 1095 steel into his lungs, so I'l blind and bash with my light :)

I also rarely get myself into situations like this, so it's not an everyday threat for me.

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stuntastic, I get that pepperspray would work but shining a flashlight is way different I think just because with pepperspray you don't have to get it directly in there eyes to be affective but with a flashlight you do (if that makes sense).

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I'm with you 35percent I enjoy the debate. You're right too that some drunk guy doesn't deserve to die just because he's being a douchebag. Plus it's not a situation I find myself in either. I just like to hear other peoples ideas on defense strategies.

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Read about escalation/continuum of force. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conflict_escalation

Pepperspray also has it's limitations,like wind, rain, being able to get a 'hit', being able to draw it (I find it funny when girls have pepperspray berrued in their purse, and it takes them a solid 30 seconds to find their lipstick), it also takes a few seconds to work.

I'll carry deep and know I have options to defend myself if I need to. I don't recommend carrying anything you're not comfortable with, and have the mindset that all of these things that can cause bodily harm should be used as a last resort.

I've been at parties where a jackass pulls out $5 gas station knife thinking he's a badass. I promptly left. The majority of situations I can talk myself out of, and I dont have friends or go to places that would instigate a fight. The likely-hood of getting mugged is somewhat high as I'm often in downtown detroit at night, and being a tall white kid that looks like he has a little bit of money doesn't help me.

This may sound corny, but you EDC is a system that has multiple uses, and your most important thing you have with you is your brain.

Sorry for going semi-off topic, but I think the conversation of self-defense and knife use warrants being in here.

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wow, i had never thought of using a flashlight to flash someone blind in self defense. time to upgrade my preon lol.

the super fail.

I get your point 35percent, and you're right I've never been blinded with a 150 lumen light before. However with someone rushing at you and/or tackling/wrestling with you I just find it hard to believe I could actually grab my flashlight and get to the point were I could actually shine it directly in there eyes. As opposed to quickly sticking them in the ribs with a blade. Just my opinion, but I do see where you're coming from too.

As opposed to quickly sicking them in the ribs with a blade? It would take the same time for you to pull out a flashlight as you would a knife, especially since flashlights dont need to be deployed. Furthermore they work at a range -- it's better that you at least attempt to shine them from a distance than wait for them to be within range to shank

Secondly, a flashlight can work as a striking weapon just the same as a knife, albeit without the same deadly force.. a flashlight is less sketch anyway.

im surprised there has been this much discussion on knives for self defense since we usually tell skeptics to fuck off and that knives are for utility, but maybe some needed to be reminded..?

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You can probably find SureFire locally, but uhm



these are the old style of PD series but i like the design better B)

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has you guys seen KIDS? skateboard is super lethal.

I'm like 35percent, i can walk/talk my way out of most things. I can rrevent most situations really way before they happen by being aware.

But if a drunk frat boy or meth head is charging me and my options are:

180 lumens

3' blade

or a skateboard.

Dude is getting hit with the trucks. i'm fat, and running isn't an option. plus i can claim i didn't know the board would be lethal, unlike with a blade.

i carry a torque wrench in my trunk. :) same philosophy behind why some 1%'s carry ball peen hammer.

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stuntastic, I get that pepperspray would work but shining a flashlight is way different I think just because with pepperspray you don't have to get it directly in there eyes to be affective but with a flashlight you do (if that makes sense).

Yea, but it'll help distract the attacker, giving you a window of time to run away and have a better distance between the two.

Every little bit counts.

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has you guys seen KIDS? skateboard is super lethal.

I'm like 35percent, i can walk/talk my way out of most things. I can rrevent most situations really way before they happen by being aware.

But if a drunk frat boy or meth head is charging me and my options are:

180 lumens

3' blade

or a skateboard.

Dude is getting hit with the trucks. i'm fat, and running isn't an option. plus i can claim i didn't know the board would be lethal, unlike with a blade.

i carry a torque wrench in my trunk. :) same philosophy behind why some 1%'s carry ball peen hammer.

rofl, swinging a skateboard as a weapon is hella hard, and if u miss ur fckd. a person would have to be stupid to be hit by a skateboard if they were aware u were using it as a weapon.

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