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Robert Geller SS10


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I just noticed SSENSE just stocked it as well, along with the dip dyed hoodie which some of you are looking for but in a different colorway.

btw, if someone is purchasing anything off Forward, there's a coupon code for 20% off and is expiring in 2 days... "CHICTOPIA20"

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Hey guys

Thanks for the support!

The spring stock is a mixture of Keyshop pieces that were left from the store close as well as a few pieces that were not posted on the keyshop blog and/or didn't make it to the shop, such as the mustard jeans and the leather jacket.

I decided to open my store a few months after spring 2010 orders were finalized for stores, so I missed the boat. However, Fall 2010 will be the first season where I will be stocking myself.

Shoot me a message if you have any questions.

[email protected]

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where can I find a good website with a good selection of RG collections? I cant seem to find the things I want in 1. For example the boots, the moto collar shirt and sweat pants. TIA

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hey mouku,

do the jeans run TTS? would you mind measuring the waist of a pair in size 48 and one in size 50 for me? :)

Yes they're true to size.


Waist: 15.5"

Rise: 8"

Inseam: 32"

Leg opening: 7"


Waist: 16"

Rise: 8.5"

Inseam: 32"

Leg opening: 7"

Let me know if there's anything else.

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Agreed. Bird has a few Geller pieces up too.

Don't buy from Bird. My fiance bought me the riding pants from last season as a surprise present. She told the employees that they might not fit and they didn't say anything.

I tried them on and they were too big. Went back to the store to return - "Only for store credit." They didn't order a SINGLE robert geller piece in my size (44).

Upon telling them this and trying on a bunch of stuff, they said "Sorry, you can try buying something from another line."

We politely complained, escalating to the manager on duty and finally were able to convince them to give us a refund after LEAVING the store.

Fucking ridiculous. Worst customer service I've ever experienced from a mid-level boutique.

(Note this is after they forgot to call us when the RG shipment was in for the season).

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Don't buy from Bird. My fiance bought me the riding pants from last season as a surprise present. She told the employees that they might not fit and they didn't say anything.

I've had nothing but awesome service from Blackbird over the past . . . well, 5 years.

They probably should have mentioned that they have returns for store credit only - but I think that's generally common and assumed when buying from any small boutique . . .

You DID get a refund. I'd call that pretty good service.

EDIT: OK, Wrong Bird. :)

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