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4 month old Nudie RR dry selvage pics


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did you cheat ? cause the whiskers don't look natural. Mine are about 4 months as well and I have just very slight fading on the front.

--- Original message by Iambic Pentameter on Nov 28, 2005 03:42 PM

"Cheat".... like it's some game that has rules. They are a pair of damn jeans and you can do what you want with them to get the look you want.
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did you cheat ? cause the whiskers don't look natural. Mine are about 4 months as well and I have just very slight fading on the front.

--- Original message by Iambic Pentameter on Nov 28, 2005 03:42 PM

"Cheat".... like it's some game that has rules. They are a pair of damn jeans and you can do what you want with them to get the look you want.

--- Original message by Telix on Nov 28, 2005 04:12 PM

calm down, you know what he meant.


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i think what was meant is that he pinches the creases and them rubs the peak of the crease...i've actually seen kids doing this on the subway (no doubt someone from here) and it made me laugh because it looks like you're rubbing your dicks...i can only imagine what the members of the opposite sex must think when they see this....maybe that's what all the perverts on the trains are actually doing...just trying to get good creases on their jeans..whatever anyway i suspect this peak rubbing thing is responsible for most of the off looking wear i see on the "look at my jeans after first wash" posts.

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did you cheat ? cause the whiskers don't look natural. Mine are about 4 months as well and I have just very slight fading on the front.

--- Original message by Iambic Pentameter on Nov 28, 2005 03:42 PM

"Cheat".... like it's some game that has rules. They are a pair of damn jeans and you can do what you want with them to get the look you want.

--- Original message by Telix on Nov 28, 2005 04:12 PM

lol, calm down denim-nazi, I didn't say he couldn't "cheat" or that there was anything wrong with that, if thats what he was doing, I just wanted to know if those were natural results or not as my jeans are at the same stage and look totally different.
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Alright guys, I'm guilty. I cheated. I rub my hands on the denim to accelerate the fading and accentuate the creases.

Your comments are most welcome. Everyone wears their jeans differently and I can do whatever I want with mine.

Constructive criticism is good.

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I did not use sandpaper on them, just finger pressing. I use them 3-4 times a week. I love how they are coming along. Hopefully, it's never too late like what other people said here. I might have ODed with my finger pressing.

I do need to work on the back. Let's see how it turns out in another 3 months. I won't do anything "artificial" with them from now on...

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Just my 2 cents, but the whiskering looks unnatural... like a bunch of veins. You seldom see creases that meet/criss-cross/or split off... or at least that many of them.

Also, like you mentioned, there's virtually no wear on the back, which makes it seem as though you've been sitting on a soft cushion and nervously rubbing/pinching the front of your thighs.

I've just passed months 5 on my RRDS and I'm very pleased with them so far. I'll have to contribute to the denim porn when I'm done moving into my new place and I've unpacked my photo gear.

The only "work" I've done on my jeans is to wear them under all conditions... rain (gasp) included.

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Thanks for the words of encouragement guys. However, these creases have really been stubborn and they only accentuate more and more with time. I'm a 7-5er stockbroker but can get away wearing denim in the office. Most of the wear from these jeans are from sitting down. Honestly, those creases initially came from rubbing my hands to the jeans (sometimes subconsciously). Its truly amazing how the color changes when the indigo gets rubbed off from the fabric.

I can't compare the way my jeans would fade to kids that use them for skateboarding and all other outdoor stuff. I occassionally bring them to the beach but that's about it.

Before I posted those pictures, I was quite contented as to how they were coming along.

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Quote: Just my 2 cents, but the whiskering looks unnatural... like a bunch of veins. You seldom see creases that meet/criss-cross/or split off... or at least that many of them.

I have a pair of cane47s and work construction. And i have plenty of crisscrossing creases. Mine come from wet dirty hands being wiped off on the legs of my jeans.

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Quote: Just my 2 cents, but the whiskering looks unnatural... like a bunch of veins. You seldom see creases that meet/criss-cross/or split off... or at least that many of them.

I have a pair of cane47s and work construction. And i have plenty of crisscrossing creases. Mine come from wet dirty hands being wiped off on the legs of my jeans.

--- Original message by rnrswitch on Dec 6, 2005 07:51 PM

that's also how I got the crisscrossing creases with mine...
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