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was having a conversation with a friend of a friend and he started telling me about something that happened to him in high school.

he was fucking his girlfriend in his basement. he had her blindfolded. his older brother came downstairs and didn't know what was going on. so dude goes to his brother, hey man, she's bindfolded, you wanna fuck her for a bit? he tells me how he was standing there stark naked in front of his brother with his cock still hard...

his brother declines, but then continues to sit there and watch tv... while his brother goes back to fucking his girlfriend. every so often his older brother would look over to see them fucking... after like 20 minutes, he turned the tv off and went back upstairs.

he didn't think any of that was awkward and was just like, hey i'd offer you some pussy if i had some right now! while the offer was nice, just... yea...

Edited by funkdoobi
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I remember hearing that if a girly is playing in her hair she was interested/feeling the situation, whatever.

Was hanging with this girl and she was constantly playing in her hair, so I took it for her being into me.

Turns out she just always plays in her fucking hair.


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we started the section on slurs today in philosophy of language. in order to get through the section without offending people, my professor writes "black, hispanic, asian, gay, women" on the board and writes down the first letters of slurs under each heading. Some people in the class were awkwardly good at coming up with suggestions of slurs to add to the board. At the same time, the guy behind me kept asking "what does 'W' stand for under the hispanic heading?". This was probably one of the most awkward classes so far.

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was supposed to zip up some documents on my desktop for the gf but accidentally included some korny white girls pics that i saved into that zip document. got asked "why is there this folder in there with pictures of girls' bums etc". my reply was "what? did you download from the correct link? weird..." that was awkward. i don't think i could've kept a straight face if she asked me in real life. cover blown. superawkward (in caps). just thankful it was the gf and not a coworker.

Edited by ranonranonarat
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Id probably weird you all out lol.

I was right doe tonight was interesting. I get to class and everyone is wildin out because of the wind so my professor agrees to let us go home early after we watch a film thats going to be on the final. Its a history class and we were watching this movie on contemporary native american artists and all of a sudden this white chick just starts crying because she felt guilty or some shit. What got her she said, was an "old native american man talking about what happened to natives and blacks in the 1800's." So she's crying and now every other white person in the class starts freaking out because her crying made them look like they didn't care. So this one dude raises his and tries to get in and go ham on the guilt party.

Ive been through some weird things in my life, I've done some weird things, but holy fuck this was so fuckin awkward because he's giving this long speech while trying to make eye contact with every minority in the room. That chick never stopped crying either. The film isn't going to be on the final anymore though thanks to the 30 minute heart to heart we had tonight.

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sooooooo all the white people in the room felt guilty that one girl was crying about the treatment of native americans and blacks and so some bro made a speech about it but couldn't address the fact that he wanted to say that he wasn't racist even though he wasn't crying about it?


but maybe coz i'm mixed idk someone explain it pls

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I didn't really get it either. He was just saying something like "you know, i think it wasn't fair how the blacks and indians and other minorities were treated (looks at me), it really wasn't fair you know? like i mean i mean, I'm sorry (looks at asian girl) I'm sorry (looks at asian guy) sometimes i just wish it like never happened you know but that was like a long time ago i think we can like forgive and forget you know? (looks at me again).

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Fuck this thread has been a goldmine over the past few days.

last night i went to this shitty hole in the wall bar packed with frat boys from a nearby college. now i'm walking around minding my own business when i notice a cloud of papers falling from the balcony above when some dude yells down at me, confused, "yeah thats how we do it here." After about a quarter of the second i noticed that he was making it rain with napkins rather than some form of currency. about 5 minutes later the same guy stands next to the bar and orders 'the cheapest beer you've got' for a second he turns, obviously recognizing me, and then quickly walks away without his beer. the bartender comes back around and assumes that I know the guy and demands that i pay for it. rather than trying to explain the situation i hand the guy two dollars and leave.

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