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All three are suppose to be really good. I would pick up all three and see which one you like and then buy more of that one type. That purple star of david looks good to me though...seems to be pretty rare. I've had 2 types of pokeballs and they are kinda on the more mellow side but they are clean ass pills for sure. Never heard of the thundercat pokeballs though...they're not showing up on pillreports hahaha. But I guess it would depend on how you wanna roll and how you react to your rolls. Some of my friends were rolling really well wtih pokeballs at TAO + dancing a lot. I took 2 pokeballs and I was pretty much floored all night long and didn't dance as much as I wanted to.

@please underestimate: As for the Red Buddhas, my friend has a whole bunch of those and primarily rolls on them at raves and such; he says they are awesome. However, buddhas tend to get faked A LOT so I would be a little cautious about that pill you got as it could turn out to be a meth bomb. Another friend of mine has a whole bag of Yellow Buddhas and they are all goddamn meth bombs so watch out.

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thanks a lot for your input bro ive been leaning towards the purple stars too just cuz ive wanted to try a star a david and i heard many good ones are around right now. and about pokeballs ive wanted to try those for a minute too and i think there is some reports on pillreports

heres a link broseph


you socal too?

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Yep I'm socal, San Diego. Most of the good shit comes from LA though. my dealer has like 200 pokeballs on deck right now and they go out super fast.

@ the link: looks good. I'd cop star of davids and pokeballs if you were just going to get 2 types. All should be rated MDMA high though. For me I have a low ass tolerance of like 2 pills to roll all night. I can roll pretty well off just one pokeball.

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Hmmm I guess it would depend on what you're gonna use the rolls for. I think if I were to pick up some rolls for raving and such I'd probably get the star of david just because I haven't tried those before and the fact that pokeballs are on the mellow side for me. I tried the blue batman and purple transformer pokeballs; both are kinda mellow but I've rolled harder than I've ever rolled with the pokeballs. The blue batman pokeballs are all over the place on pillreports. But yeah...hard decision! Personally I'd just pick up good pills because for every one good pill there are like 10 shitty ones.

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I don't fuck with anything but my buddy's hook. I'm sick of methed out bullshit pills. Dropped for the first time in nearly two years last weekend. Two Mollies staggered about an hour apart=gwwwaaahhhhhoooururrrrrr all night

It made the shitty semi-rave I was at actually kind of fun, thunderheist wasn't downright annoying and I had a good time for the part of their set I watched.

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no pokeball no go

havnt failed me (or anyone i know) yet

friend has a complete kit from eztest.com and every one came out the same (clean mdma)

until someone start making fakes, as long as it has a pokeball, your good to go

(my guess would be soon, there weren't many with them a few months back, now everyone has them. same thing happened with the buddhas, they had their time in the spotlight then nothing but dirty bunk bs)

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ohhhh damnnn I wanna roll so badly right now but I'm only going to do it at music festivals/raves. anybody in the socal area going to mardi gras or love groove? I think i might hit up love groove next week. CAN'T WAIT!!!

coachella looks soo sick this year. though I'd rather go to florida for UMF; that line up looks fucking epic as hell, moreso than coachella's. $300 dollar tickets + flight tix = maybe coachella sounds better now...damnnnn

@selaviso, nice ass pickupssss. I'm jealous, just don't eat that orange mercedes, heard those are bad piperazines.

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ive never tried thizz.....ive never heard any bad things about it tho

my college years are behind me tho.....maybe one day....maybe coachella?

heres one bad thing: dont take this shit coming off a fever

maybe a year and half ago or so, friend of mine came back from NYC to the west coast and we were gonna drop at our other friends house after grabbing him from LAX, after a couple of hours he was barely moving under the covers of some bed and passing in and out of consciousness. we tried our best to keep him hydrated.

when the sun came up, he stood up, took a few steps, and his eyes rolled up as he blacked out again falling to the ground. he was ok though after a couple of days although he did relapse into that fever or w/e

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just picked up 5 blue dolphins and 1 red omega, I wish e wasn't so hard to come by and so expensive here, $10 each doesn't seem like a very good deal, am I right? This is only going to be my fourth time rolling, hope the dolphins are legit!

seeing this guy and taking them on saturday with my lady who will also be joining me:


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those pokeball thundercats fucked my mind so good. this weekend was a great roll... i know this shit is bad but me and my homegirl took our first pill at 11:30 am and pretty much rolled into the sunrise (lack there of actually cuz it was raining in vegas) she took 2.5 or 3 and i took 5 shit was crazy everything was stuttering and in 3d slow motion shit was amazing. lights were nuts for sure. this could be my last roll because of a program im getting into but if it is it was an amazing trip.

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already got my tickets for all 3 days. I'm trying to figure out if I want to do acid on saturday and hippy flip on sunday but i think the cross tolerance wouldnt make the shrooms too strong. I'm not sure but i'm definitely taking the 2 pokeballs i have durin those 3 days.


this is all. acid is great.

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hahahah selaviso tollldddd ya the pokeballs are grade A rolls! i rolled so fucking hard off only 2 pills on NYE that I would probably need like 4 or 5 for the same roll with other pills. I'm interested to see what those star of davids are like though...how was your roll off them pokeballs? mellow like or..?

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dude the pokeballs were nuts.... like it seriously hit me so hard and fast too we took a 15 minute bus ride to a different hotel and boom vision getting all slow and everything seemed like it was in slow motion and stuttering but after that it was all smooth sailing i was in love with all my friends and in love with the lights and music and i danced the night away with a beautiful lady... so yeah all in all the pokeballs were amazing.

star of davids im not gunna lie these are good but after taking the pokeballs i dont know about em no more haha. the purp came in slow

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I had yellow lady pokeballs on NYE. I took one at around 10:00 and I felt like the roll only lasted like a total of 30 min. Then I was back to normal and didn't feel like rolling. I took a half of the same pokeball and the roll felt like it never hit. Maybe I was observing everyone at the sports arena too much to notice I was rolling haha. I'll give pokeballs another chance.

I've noticed since i began rolling I can get eye wiggles on demand without pills or anything. Has anyone experienced this?

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  • 1 month later...

If you socal heads see the blue mickey mouses goin around right now.

cop em.

bomb pills.

went to my first rave a couple weeks ago.

i never bought into all the hype. everyone said raves were so fucking dope, but i didnt believe them.

they arent lying. im hooked.

tryin to go to 420 Festival, but if not im just gonna wait til EDC.

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