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Official Toronto store/boutique/events thread


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The nomad thread got huge, so lets do one where all the toronto cats can stay on top of their game and help each other out with any new info coming down the pipe.

Anyone know where i can cop some YSL or Marc Jacobs sunglasses in the city (if at all?)

been looking hard to find some nice shades, but the selection at sunglass hut just aint doing it for me

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Problem with it is that it's going to end up like the APC thread where it's 18 pages, and you'd have to search through it to find specifically what you're looking for...

Having individual threads allow ppl to get their info. quickly and if the thread is irrelevant, it'll get pushed down the line....

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I agree, for an individual topic start an individual thread although getting to the original matter, I would head to Pacific Mall where I find glasses to be the cheapest, especially if you know someone. They also have an inclusive range of almost everything. If your in the dowtown core check out Spectacle, the owners name is Jag and he has a few locations but his latest is on Queen West at Queen and Niagra.

M. U. F. C.

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thanks! and i love your gayass NT posts about when you wore LRG. clown icon_smile_clown.gif

don't you have another bandwagon to jump on KID? this isn't NT so keep your n00b-ass comments to yourself.

Quote: I love this dude sr20's lil' jabs to NT here and there...you've really gotta overcome your hate for Niketalk dude.


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There you go again with the hate...

Kid, n00b, clown, whatever else you wanna pull outta your hat, it's nothing. It's a message board, relax.

All I said was I find it amusing, I'm not lowering myself and calling names and shit.

Go about with your elistist attitude, I'm sure the rest of the community appreciates it also.



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lol ... NT hate

i think superfuture and niketalk aren't really that so different and im not just talking about just recently since a lot of NTers started joining this. both boards share info, beast on fashion, jump on trends, have the same age ranges etc... only difference i could think of is some the wdyw posts here look mad gender suspicious/ambiguous.

so i dont really see why one board could put down the other and i also dont really see why its necessary to hate on each other. wtf its just a message board, is it that serious?

i think its a good idea for this thread. i dont really like the idea of the suggestion that people just make brand new posts to ask questions because usually you guys just reply stuff like "theres another thread about this in page 50". so if we're gonna search through 50 pages anyway... then why not?

but if we want this thread to be successful i/we shouldn't be posting stuff like this ^^^

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if you have the dough and you want unique sunglasses go to josephsen's at bloor and bay or the one at the b.c.e. place. or try karir , i think it is called, at cumberland and bloor where hemingway's is, and karir is also at yorkdale mall. you should check out this brand called ic berlin and of course alain mikli. both make unreal sunglasses.

the eclipse is nigh

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I think the problem ppl have with Niketalk is the juvenile nature of some of the posts on there...whereas luckily, this board has somewhat managed to maintain a mature level and stick to what it's all about - fashion and providing related information.

And I stand by my idea about having separate posts for separate questions/ideas, etc primarily because you'll have to go thru posts like this rather than finding the info. you're looking for.

If anything, perhaps store update posts make more sense, but not one for all of Toronto.

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Niketalk seems to be a joke to most people on this message board, which to me is a breath of fresh air. For years its been a breeding ground for hype, ignorance, and sock tucking.

On the real though, bandwagon hopping and such is a part of subculture, and being a part of any scene is gonna have its ups and downs. Half the fun about fashion and following something is chilling with people that have the same passion that you have, originally thats what message boards like this and what nt used to stand for.

Im not condoning the present state of nt, but I also dont condone flaming about lrg and such. Whatever take culture at face value and take out of it whatever you want to.

Cop to rock, Dont cop to chop!

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