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Pictures that make you uncomfortable

Mr Waffles

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I guess this fits here. One of my cousins is a couple years younger than I am, and, well...slow. I don't know how else to put it. Long story. Anyways, he's socially ungraceful but wants to be a graphic designer really badly. He's trying really hard, but it's awful, and some of the things he makes and posts on my FB wall are some of the most uncomfortable, bizarre shit imaginable. I don't have the heart to block or delete him, like other members of the family have, but he's posting like 5-6 times a day now and it's getting more and more bizarre. If you're friends with me on FB, watch my page for some crazy shit. I have to delete most of it as soon as I see it...maybe I should just block him...

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I guess this fits here. One of my cousins is a couple years younger than I am, and, well...slow. I don't know how else to put it. Long story. Anyways, he's socially ungraceful but wants to be a graphic designer really badly. He's trying really hard, but it's awful, and some of the things he makes and posts on my FB wall are some of the most uncomfortable, bizarre shit imaginable. I don't have the heart to block or delete him, like other members of the family have, but he's posting like 5-6 times a day now and it's getting more and more bizarre. If you're friends with me on FB, watch my page for some crazy shit. I have to delete most of it as soon as I see it...maybe I should just block him...
You can't just post up this story and NOT show us what he's making.
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Posted · Hidden by im_shy, December 9, 2011 - No reason given
Hidden by im_shy, December 9, 2011 - No reason given

i third taco!

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haha aight, I'll post the next thing he puts up. I deleted the last one, but I'll check my laptop tonight and see if it's still in the trash. I was a bit hesitant to post cause I don't want him to be made fun of necessarily, as he has good intentions, but I'll throw one up in just a bit.

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haha aight, I'll post the next thing he puts up. I deleted the last one, but I'll check my laptop tonight and see if it's still in the trash. I was a bit hesitant to post cause I don't want him to be made fun of necessarily, as he has good intentions, but I'll throw one up in just a bit.

i like this one...


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haha aight, I'll post the next thing he puts up. I deleted the last one, but I'll check my laptop tonight and see if it's still in the trash. I was a bit hesitant to post cause I don't want him to be made fun of necessarily, as he has good intentions, but I'll throw one up in just a bit.
Where are these?????
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that some fucked up shit right there, that chick and the dead animal.... what kinda sicko sees a dead animal and says "Let's play Empire Strikes Back!"

Not sure what's uncomfortable about the pix pieskewl posted from facebook....

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"The active component is codeine, a widely sold over-the-counter painkiller that is not toxic on its own. But to produce krokodil, whose medical name is desomorphine, addicts mix it with ingredients including gasoline, paint thinner, hydrochloric acid, iodine and red phosphorous, which they scrape from the striking pads on matchboxes"

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You can't just post up this story and NOT show us what he's making.
im still just waiting for okayokay to post what his cousin made
I second tacotron, my curiosity is all sorts of piqued!
Where are these?????


been waiting for something good, but it's all been mainly boring stuff...nothing of the caliber of what he's been making. Here's a few of the more tame ones that have come through lately.


I edited my GF's face out...I think she'd be uncomfortable knowing he's using her in his "designs". Yes, that's me crucified hanging around my own neck. I don't get it either.


this is kind of his normal MO. Harem concept I guess.


I guess adding "bling" is a popular FB application. He "blinged" my 3 year old not too long ago with a backdrop of Buckingham Palace (cause that's obviously where ballers reside). Those grillz are fucking legit tho.


I've also been "nosebleeded" or whatever (this is some friend of his), and he'll throw it up my business name / logo and post it on my business FB page, text done in "blood letters". I don't understand the meaning, but it's awesome when a customer comments "uhhh...what is this" and I have to explain. Sometimes to dozens.

again, I feel a bit bad cause I don't really want people making fun of him. He got dealt a tough blow when he was a kid with some really experimental procedures to "cure" a couple significant medical emergencies, and they did more harm than good...so I understand why his "artwork" is a bit (understatement) on the weird side. He keeps asking for me to hire him to do all out marketing, and I gotta keep making excuses why not.

I deleted the original pic he posted to my page that spurred this whole post originally...I wish I kept it. It's the weirdest one ever.

If anyone wants to get down, PM me a pic and I'll see if he can do a good one up for you.

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what's funny tho is I've sent some of the most bizarre ms paint images when I'm super ambiened out to some friends on here also (sup scott.M), and they're equally as ridiculous (maybe just not as serious). I think I remember making a good one of sonicvoodoo with a gimp arm, but it's a very vague memory. Shit might've been horrible.

it was probably terrible.

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