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I wish we had a good store / outlet similar to those here.

Spent the whole day yesterday running around in the city, trying on stuff that didn't fit me.

Only "avantgarde" label store had Size 3 and upwards, asking price was 2,5x japanese retail. I hate shopping.

i am surprised u say that, P. my impression is that, germany is one of the most (artistically) fashion forward society in europe.

i suppose you have visited darklands and central. have you visited kh in cologne? if your a big fan of altieri' and poell s work, u and kurt will have alot to talk about!

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Unfortunately I am not a big traveller since uni is so time-consuming :-\

3 months of holiday, spent 2 doing a practical exercice and now another one learning for exams.

And my love for those labels began pretty much at the time when I was starting to study. Visited one good store carrying LUC, but none of the mentioned. Another aspect is I am from the south, whereas all these stores are rather up north.

And conqueror - no problem... No actual connection to Austriala except I like the ppl here. I asked some pages back wether it was okay if I post here from time to time and people didnt refuse (on the contrary).

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^ I'm curious what the actual post was if you don't mind indulging me. :P

i was very objective, in the deleted post, i asked him a question, if he simply believed and agreed of what sz window has become,

like him, i got sick and tired of consumerism, except that i truly believe that sz can become a better place for discussion without the presence of the increasing affiliates - too much product revered but not enough insight.

and of course, he was taking a jab at a mate, i just got to stand up. haha :o

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^ Our national election and grand final draws. Major lols.

@rob: I see I see. It's tough eh? It's like you want to say something that could make a difference but then you weigh up the possibility of the higher ups and 'elites' listening with an open ear. And of course...the possibility of getting hit with a banhammer. Lol. I think at the moment it's just a generation gap between the close knit SZ elite against the newer and less...cultured? Parents hating their kids turning their shit into something they did not envision. Everything takes time though, so we'll just have to wait and see.

Gareth Moody made a post in the NVREND thread in SZ, so I'm guessing things haven't been resolved. Not trying to stir shit in here again or anything.

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Not being a Collingwood or St Kilda supporter, I find the draw hilarious. Anyone else think so? :P Although, I was in the city yesterday and was in the mood for a pub meal for lunch but couldn't get a table anywhere which sucked.

Means another day of work for me and another week I can continue to find another job so yeh, thank god for the draw.

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@rob: I see I see. It's tough eh? It's like you want to say something that could make a difference but then you weigh up the possibility of the higher ups and 'elites' listening with an open ear. And of course...the possibility of getting hit with a banhammer. Lol. I think at the moment it's just a generation gap between the close knit SZ elite against the newer and less...cultured? Parents hating their kids turning their shit into something they did not envision. Everything takes time though, so we'll just have to wait and see.

Gareth Moody made a post in the NVREND thread in SZ, so I'm guessing things haven't been resolved. Not trying to stir shit in here again or anything.

heh! i might beg to differ on that one :D

we are not perfect, and i am glad I have made a point that sz and faust isn't. it's unfortunate he belittled amadei when his work creates the most intelligent discussions in sz..

and nick, not sure i should say this on his behalf but since it's evident, chin has erased his entire post in sz and have moved on from sz, i think he will do more posting at tfs instead.

a good friend emailed and said this to me, which i think sums up pretty well -

it's a strange world, but increasingly if you get up from the computers and go out and gaze at the night sky, and the stars, and our place within the stars, and ponder that, then these problems of what2kop and SZ are not very big, they are very small, in fact, they are meaningless.

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it's a strange world, but increasingly if you get up from the computers and go out and gaze at the night sky, and the stars, and our place within the stars, and ponder that, then these problems of what2kop and SZ are not very big, they are very small, in fact, they are meaningless.


Deep man.

Here's how I see it. Worry about where2kop while you are young and still can. Unless you are in the industry, talking about this sort of thing is a luxury we wont be able to indulge when we are older. Its a harsh reality, but that's how things work out.

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Hai guys!

Just got back from the trip over the weekend. Severely jet lagged - couldn't fall asleep til 5.30am last night, woke up at 2.30pm lulz :P

London was pretty good but really struggled to find decent food and everything is so fucking expensive. Muse concert @ wembleys was seriously insane though.

Paris was ah-mazing. Finally popped the question to my gf after 5.5 years - headed straight to the RO/L'Eclaireur right after (har har) where we met Seenmy. The next couple of days in Paris was def the highlight of the trip (not incl. the proposal of course!). Seeing Carol and Damir in flesh during PV was a bit of a moment. Meeting Seenmy/Aitor Throup was pretty cool too. But the biggest moment for me is when we had a drink with the Sarti family... holy fuck I was seriously pinching myself. Very very down to earth and such genuine people.

Met BSR on the last day before heading to HK, such a chilled dude!

Visited the INK store while I was there - they have an amazing space. Was surprised on how well they priced LUC! Unfortunately they didn't have anything in my size except for the classic silk cardi...

Need to start saving for a suit for the big day now...

a bonus pic of the proposal spot below :D


ps. rob, the ccp sneaks... best investment yet!

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haha I did see some people eyeing them. One dude actually asked if he could take a picture of them! but he knew about CCP beforehand.

They're a good conversation starter when you walk into a store hah!

I feel weird wearing an all black outfit now...

they are, i have countless of strangers reaction in melbourne. i am glad you picked them then, they are natural ice breakers.

also, a legend has it that poell has golden tooth, glad u nor seenmy din't punch him!

i guess, black colour is a great color to start with, but not really a great colour to start and to the end with...

also.. 8-9 days ccp 2010 releases... gosh, can't wait to see picture surface already. .. .

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Finally had the luxury to handle CCP up close... 1.5 years ago in Japan didn't count coz I was an idiot back then... but oh my... I can feel an obsession coming... sigh!

well, back then, I din't like ccp either.

not until last year, I handled them in person and understand (or half of it) what mr.poell trying to say. it's both blessing and curse.

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haha thanks bois <3<3

the engagement didn't really hit me until she started buying wedding magazines @ the airport... asking when/where we're gonna have it etc etc shieeeet one thing at a time mangz

@ KuuRob, that is currently the plan ;p if I can get my hands on one!

@ Chin, ah I'm glad you decided to pass on it last time but never hesitate ever again! they are surprisingly comfy too.

anyways - SFTM AW11 pics are coming your way soon ;D

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