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WAYWT shit talking thread


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Dont forget the 12 year old stubby girl arms. And he posts this weak shit on every forum on the internet.


hypebeast and sufu is every forum on the internet... yeah! fuck, your hate is so potent i cant take it... by the way... have you or your buddy the breaks ever posted a waywt? id love to see it, and see how much more fashionable you are than my peasant, girl arms having ass

oh and scamming kids on the internet for money. that really does define a man

yep... it does. you sound hurt... always bringing this up... did i rip you off? the people i scammed... did they not either get the items or their money back? have i sold anything since that?

haha... awesome. those jeans are definitely a step in the wrong direction. they still fit him reasonably well, but he pulled off numerous other pairs much better

youre right... and im pissed about it since i spent so much money on them

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oh and scamming kids on the internet for money. that really does define a man

I got my money back from him. Eventually i'm gonna drink with him, so i got no hate.

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Since I started lurking here and eventually posting...I've seen cheep receive both tremendous amounts of both love and hate from all across the board. I can see the rational for both ends of the spectrum. While on one end he breaks in denim like no other (well...maybe a close second to lil david) and doesn't really seem to give a fuck what people say/think. His attitude is what keeps him in the green (and maybe + rep from a certain Beatle), I think if anyone else came onto this board and posted fits like his they would be ripped apart. Which brings me to the other end of the love/hate spectrum...guy can post in wrinkled tshirts and beat skate shoes and people lose their shit (in the positive sense) for some reason. I've got nothing but respect for the dude, but I can see why he catches hate from so many.

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there's something to be said for having a style of one's own, no matter how nonchalant.

we are who we are. i have seen posters put something up, get shit on, and change an hour later and repost.

quoted for truth.

you also don't see many cheep biters...which leads me to believe that he's one of very few that can pull that shit off. I think he carries it well, he wears what he likes...I don't really get his attraction to posting on fashion forums though (perhaps it's driven by his denim love)

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(perhaps it's driven by his denim love)

yep... i got into sufu back in 05 because of denim. thats it. hypebeast i got started on because ive been into nikes and skate shoes since i can remember.

to be honest... i started posting waywts as a fuck you to sufu standards... to see if i could convince people that my shit was just as cool as all the overpriced, overhyped shit. i almost succeeded!

im also very interested in peoples style... not so much the fashion industry. i do like to see how people present thier style tho... and if i see something i like i may try to incorporate that into my style... for better or for worse.

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Although a majority of people coming on here and posting fits like cheep's might get bashed I usually see some significant differences. First of all his photos are always nice. Not some iphone snaps taken in front of the mirror when mommy isn't looking, They're sharp and have nice lighting. Also it's rather obvious that he doesn't give a fuck. I've seen people come on here wearing raw denim and AA-shirts and making a big deal out of it. No wonder they get bashed. If you ain't got the swagger to wear what you're wearing it's gonna look awkward.

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Not saying AA-shirts are bad in any way, it's just that when people come on here acting all fashionista and shit then post an outfit and tries to turn AA into Raf or whatever then it all goes downhill.

Also, I agree with your comment about posting what you're actually wearing. It's not very hard to pull off one high end fit per month.

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thats what i think too kunk... i mean, theres a reason it looks like i just rolled out of bed and threw some shit on and posted it up... I DID! alot of times, imi just wearing what i wore the night before... wrinkled and beer spilt and dirty... but thats what im wearing.

this gave me an idea... why dont we have a "sufu styling thread" where people put together cool outfits and post them.... tho i feel that that is basicly what waywt is now

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Also along with cheeps clothing, you notice none of it ever looks brand spanking new... cause if people start bitin his style and wearing all that shit brand new, of course it is going to look like shit. You can obviously tell cheep isn't dressing for anyone except himself, which is a good thing and why he gets respect. He is his clothes, he isnt buying a bunch of junk to dress up for the internet like alot of offenders...

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good idea, but yes, maybe redundant to waywt.

last night i was wearing a spongebob give-away t shirt and a & f shorts from like 1997 and seriously thought about posting to reiterate the purpose of waywt.

thats what i think too kunk... i mean, theres a reason it looks like i just rolled out of bed and threw some shit on and posted it up... I DID! alot of times, imi just wearing what i wore the night before... wrinkled and beer spilt and dirty... but thats what im wearing.

this gave me an idea... why dont we have a "sufu styling thread" where people put together cool outfits and post them.... tho i feel that that is basicly what waywt is now

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also, i wear what i wear because it works for me... most of my time away from work i try to spend skateboarding... so gothninja shit really doesnt make much sense. when im posting, im at work, so i need something i can go out on a construction site in just in case i need to. the shit you see me in is the shit i live in day in and day out... i dont dress for the internet, i just take pictures for the internet.

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^ you should have done it. i don't post moch waywyt because on the summer i only wear beaten up shorts and awful give away tee or tanktops.

also, the rep system is corrupting the whole waywt thing. some people wear stuff for rep, while they could have been steezier acting different...

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also, i wear what i wear because it works for me... most of my time away from work i try to spend skateboarding... so gothninja shit really doesnt make much sense. when im posting, im at work, so i need something i can go out on a construction site in just in case i need to. the shit you see me in is the shit i live in day in and day out... i dont dress for the internet, i just take pictures for the internet.

it shows, and I for one respect you for it.

I believe that if more people on here approached there waywt with that attitude, the board would look a whole lot different.

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speaking of that... i should be in gainsville on the 15th for my birthday

FUCK YOU. I'm gonna be in miami for this rich girl's birthday party. Puttin' us up at the hard rock. As soon as the party's over, i'm gonna be gambling the night away. I might be up in jacksonville sometime in august to visit a unf friend though.

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[quote name=GregoryH;1170845

I believe that if more people on here approached there waywt with that attitude' date=' the board would look a whole lot different.[/quote]

The problem is that there is a much more vocal (and maybe influential) contingent that freaks out whenever someone posts a t-shirt/jeans/sneakers outfit on some "GTFO, this is a fashion forum!" hissy fit. I understand that we don't want this place to become Honestforum, but dumping on newbies for not wearing Raf/Visvim/Ann D/Supreme/Dior isn't really helping either.

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