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dudes who be walkin slow as fuck is ok because not everyone is in a rush

but if you slow as fuck don't walk in the middle

and don't fuckin stagger from side to side


yo check this

what if it was real

and this is a pet peeve of mine but it's staggeringly common in people nowadays:

fucking bad storytellers; okay so you don't use proper nomenclature, syntax, or even relevant facts to give us a right frame of reference or anything at all. then you expect people to be on your side unconditionally. don't get salty when i exercise my right to ask you to clarify.

"I bought broccoli at Broadway Safeway. #firstworldproblems!"

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trustfund kids i'm happy for you that you attend a prestigious school with an apt downtown and biyearly trip to paris or whatever paid for but when you'll have to face real life once mom and dad are gone i give you 3 months before you actually commit suicide

i hear this so loudly its made me deaf. people eventually get what's a-comin around the mountain.

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trustfund kids i'm happy for you that you attend a prestigious school with an apt downtown and biyearly trip to paris or whatever paid for but when you'll have to face real life once mom and dad are gone i give you 3 months before you actually commit suicide

The fobby trustfund kids are the worst. I only hang around with a few because they pay for everything: dinner, drinks, tables at the best clubs etc. Over thanksgiving break I met a Chinese kid who lives in a 3 million dollar home and drives three cars in SF. He's only a sophomore btw. wtf

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Girls who wear the wrong underwear with certain fits bugs the living shit out of me for some reason. If you're going to wear those skin tight leggings girl maybe you should leave your granny panties at home. Nobody likes a pamper butt.

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trustfund kids i'm happy for you that you attend a prestigious school with an apt downtown and biyearly trip to paris or whatever paid for but when you'll have to face real life once mom and dad are gone i give you 3 months before you actually commit suicide

trust fund kids I know will never have to face real life.

made for life concept.

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people stuck in feedback loops of self reinforcing no thought supplemented with no thought chemicals who just put up no thought barriers to drown you out as soon as you begin to say anything that threatens them or implicates them. no one should tell you you are a decent person because you are not. refuse to listen to facts? go fuck yourself and die you were pretty firmly on the meaningless life path anyways get over your fucking self you are not special no one is special continue to rot your mind your body too your life had very little significance to begin with and you really set yourself up to fully erode all value you might have as a metacognitive human being die die die die if you are going to live like that at least be upfront with what you are doing fucking hypocrites scum of the earth the deepest hell is reserved for betrayers you do not even realize you have made yourself too fucking stupid to realize that you have made yourself too fucking stupid fucking addicted. benzodiazepines :rolleyes:

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In the last year:

Dismissed from med school. Got diagnosed with depression, yadda yadda.

A couple of days ago, my step-dad had a stroke; similar to the one my mother had. He's going to be disabled and he'll need care once he's discharged from hospital. He was supposed to be my mother's carer since she'll never fully recover from her stroke (although she's in good stead, all things considered). He's not quite as bad as my mother since he's at least concious; whereas my mother was out like a bulb for the first week or so, but it's bad enough to know that he isn't going to be making a speedy recovery.

It's kind of a good thing that I was dismissed from med school (as shitty as it is), since I'll be home to look after the two of them.

If my family and I needed another kick in the teeth, this was certainly it.

I've had enough drama from the other side of the family with my older brother and Step-mother fighting over my dad's business, but the side of the fam I get a reprieve from that shit has to go through another stroke.

Seriously, fuck this shit. If life, God, karma, or whatever was a person or physical entity, I'd be beating the living shit out of it right now.

Edit: The lack of capital letters here is pretty fucking shitty too. I'd never have thought that I'd miss SuFu 4.0

Edited by Tabris
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hate smoking while walking

hate smoking outside

maybe belongs in 1st world problems

why you hate these? smoking outside while walking is good cause if you position your cig out good then people often move outta your way cause they don't wanna get burned or smell like smoke or something.

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it's been like this for a while you goddamned noob, feels good to be part of an older iteration though, no? THEN YOU CAN SAY WE'RE OGS MAN LOOK AT THESE NOOBS.

for what it's worth, you're still the worst new poster that ever graced the forum, but you made it kid - and now you're strong like an ox, armed with sharp sarcasm and a taste for fashionistas.


our local tramp (bum) is such an arsehole, i stayed neutral - leaning towards liking him - until once he asked for money and just nabbed it all. Now, whenever he sees me, he's like, 'YA GOT A PAAND FOR ME BRUV?', and i do that gesture - you know - where i move my arms apart to suggest i have nothing. times are tough, but this guy is taking liberties man, mouthy bastard too.

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that some people think it's "cool" to not contribute.

i dont think they get what the development of agriculture and specialization of labor or society or any of that even means


@ mag. i feel you theres this one du i always see out front of mcdonalds asking for money every single day like just get a job man its obvious you have a lot of time on your hands maybe you should go inside and work at mcdonalds and then youd have money?

Edited by pieiskewl
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Had my life on hold for over a year and a half, finally get a specialist appointment after a 12 month wait: "I'm sorry sir, we don't actually have the resources to treat your condition, but we can treat you for something else if you need it. Otherwise we'll have to refer you back to your hospital." [caps]FFFFFUUUUCCCKKK[/caps]

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@ mag. i feel you theres this one du i always see out front of mcdonalds asking for money every single day like just get a job man its obvious you have a lot of time on your hands maybe you should go inside and work at mcdonalds and then youd have money?

man the homeless people in my city all get replaced after about 6 months and put to "work" in other cities :(

it's like they're on rotation and they're all from the same eastern european countries, they're the modern day slaves

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