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shit you hate


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arrive in Zurich at 2am, hungry as hell. Nothing is open but Burgler King. Order the 'Long Chicken Sandwich' meal, comes with fries and a coke. $17 fucking dollars.

paying $5 for a muffin at starbucks so I could go on the internet

police walking by the bench I was laying on continually ensuring I sat up and didn't fall asleep aka. up for two days straight.

I don't care if I am white-whining or first world problematizing. I am tired and want to go to sleep.

oh, I also really hate that my lovely experience lurking the nudity at barcelona beach was ruined by some 75 year old granny showering down in her birthday suit. I guess it was a valuable lesson about yin and yang.

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sitting in quiet study area when my stomach will not stop fucking rumbling. ocassionally sounds like a fart. fuckin embarassing.
Even worse - in the middle of an exam, while sitting next to a cute gurl. Hopefully she thought it was kawaii and is dtf etc.
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So for the past few days its been kinda gloomy in LA so i go on and my status is just "sup summer?!...oh hey rain" not a big deal whatever. Couple comments little discussion fuck it. (enter hate two days later) So I have this "friend" whose on a trip out the country and thats cool im happy for him but this du goes on my page and posts on my wall something like "I feel ya, its crazy over here blah blah blah brag brag brag" now im guessing it was a response to my status three days earlier. But did I ask you how it was? Why did I get a wall post that was made to look like a response? Feels like du was just looking for an excuse to brag.

This is all pretty stupid but for some reason it just really grinds my gears. I need to deactivate that shit for good already.

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^ tell your friend he's an ass in a friendly way

i hate birds shitting on my car. i left it a week under a tree and they still managed to shit all over it. i hope it rains soon !

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my asshole meth addict neighbors have been using my AC as their ashtray, I came home to see 7 cigarettes on my AC. I took the cigarettes, and dropped them on their door step. Since it was a super hot and muggy day, I rubbed my duck butter all over their door knob. I hate the smell of duck butter, I washed my hand 8 times to get the smell off.

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Someone needs too. This shit is starting to get out of hand.

I also hate bird bombs! The other day my hood got raped by some sick bird and it so bad it looked like some dude barfed up a denver omelette on the car. Dont let the shit sit too long it can fuck your clear coat.

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^ tell your friend he's an ass in a friendly way

i hate birds shitting on my car. i left it a week under a tree and they still managed to shit all over it. i hope it rains soon !

yo, don't wait that shit will fuck up your paint

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