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"Why must it be so hot!?" - contestion of truth

"If it's hot, it's hot." - incontestable statement

The incontestable statement is used to demonstrate the incontestable nature of the truth. The heat is incontestable so you may as well just accept it.


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I work as a freelance editor, and my current client is trying to screw me out of half my fee.

He says 'oh, uhh, this video isn't really what I asked for so I can't pay you the entire amount...but...I also don't want you to change it, I'll go hand it into the company who hired me, okay, bye.'

I've done several projects with him and I've never had a problem in terms of my work, but every project gets a little more sketchy in terms of payment.

I hate stupid clients.

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I work as a freelance editor, and my current client is trying to screw me out of half my fee.

He says 'oh, uhh, this video isn't really what I asked for so I can't pay you the entire amount...but...I also don't want you to change it, I'll go hand it into the company who hired me, okay, bye.'

I've done several projects with him and I've never had a problem in terms of my work, but every project gets a little more sketchy in terms of payment.

I hate stupid clients.

Is there anything that you can do to ruin his life?

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Luckily it was a small job -- so I'd rather just blacklist him rather than plot evil doings...

I'm going to meet with him tonight (I haven't given him the final project yet) and give a little presentation on my standard daily rates vs. his offered fee. An aggressive-80s-power-suit-buisness-woman type presentation.

Freelancing is tough in terms of all the random clients not knowing how much work goes into a project, and how much the time of a trained professional is worth. ALAS. I'm sure it's the same in all fields - graphic design, freelance journalism. Such is the life of not being tied down.

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any chick worth your time can see rite thru that shit, btw

Unfortunately most women aren't really worth time. The sad fact is that most women love to see men try to emasculate each other. It's a primal desire to see men compete.

The best thing that you can do to win in this situation is to call the guy out on exactly what he is doing in a deconstructive manner and then do everything you can to make the woman knows that you're in no way interested. Do it quickly and don't get caught up in an argument with the dude. Walk off. Both he and she lose. An added plus in that scenario is that the woman needs to then pursue you to prove to herself that she's not undesirable.

Life rules when you hate all.

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