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SharpServiceJapan - japan proxy


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wow, suddenly so many users had so much issues with their service. i myself also encounter with them for the first time. just receive a package from there and apparently they miss out an item in the package. kinda frustrated as they didn't seem to give me a clear explanation what is going on. would really hope they can sort this out soon.

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Thank you Hide and Nobu-san. I received my purchased item today, and in incredible time.

In the span of around a week and a half, I had the item purchased, shipped from you, and received. That's simply amazing. As well, your emails were all extremely punctual [as usual].

SharpService Japan, I look forward to dealing with you again in the very near future. Thanks again!

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what the shit. I asked them to bid on an item 2 days ago and they still haven't bidded even though they replied in an email "All done!"

Thats what I mean, and that automated email said from the 5th to the 6th from 11.30-5.00 when I bid at 8.30. It's almost false advertising. I would have been cool if they said the whole day they were out but I relied on them and lost on an item I know I probably can't get again and could have used my more expensive proxy for a backup. All they need to do is reassure customers with what is happening in detail. They are running a business and this is what good businesses do. I rest my case

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Ive had to put in 2 disputes today through Paypal and im really pissed off. I suggest that in future bearing in mind there suddenly seems to be so many problems that this thread is moved to the Supermarket black list. At best Sharpservices action are bad practice at worst they seem to be bordering on fraudulent. I am still finding hard to believe that are after all these years the service this year has become so bad.

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I just want the items that i ordered rather than a refund. But when i know that they have read my messages and when ive had 1 nonsenseical reply in 10 days then im really left with no choice despite years of good service. I know Hide is reading this forum and so if they are aware of issues why are they not even contacted people. If there is a problem some information goes a long way. One has to ask why this is happening?

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They are as useless as tits on a bull. I'm glad they have a bad rep out of this. Thanked them so many times. They can never admit they are in the wrong nor chases up my several emails sent to them. They favour certain people too I've noticed. They could atleased apologize at the least for the bullshit delay. Ignorant. Anyone know a good proxy that doesn't cost an arm and a leg?

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Has anyone had any actual contact from them in the last 7 days?

They have had my money and order for a +J pickup for about that long now and have done nothing about it as far as I can tell.. the jp store has now sold out of many of the items I wanted of course.

I assume this is the part where I have to file a paypal dispute? This is really frustrating as I would much rather the items and would have been happy to wait.

Since half the items are gone now it is really too late for that though. -__-'

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