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japan :: tokyo :: general


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They cost about the same but with JR Pass I get a few days more of free rides. FUCK it. I am thinking of sleeping in the train and waking up the next day at the destination.

2 hrs of high altitude fun fun fun with probably mediocre views vs 15 hours of boring inane shit + high chance of getting mugged whilst you sleep.

you pick dawg.

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Whats the best and cheapest way to get to hokkaido from tokyo for a tourist? JR Pass or Air Tickets? Or is there anyother choices?

If you buy the JR rail pass abroad to bring here and use, and you aren't in a major rush to get north, then using it to get to Hokkaido is not a bad option.

If you don't have the rail pass and are going to pay the standard price for tickets, its not worth it because flights are basically the same price. And they will save you a lot of time.

Also if you are on a limited time schedule then just book a flight, the train will take too long. And the day/days you will spend traveling will be wasted.

If you've got the time, the train is a good way to see Japan and you don't have to fuck with airports. Its comfortable and safe--take green class.

You could take a roundabout route north and get in some great skiing in Nagano, Akita (Hachimantai, Tazawako which is also an onsen http://travel.nytimes.com/2007/11/18/travel/tmagazine/14well-fashion-t.html?partner=permalink&exprod=permalink) or Aomori (Hakkoda) or stop in places like Nikko or Sendai.

Those cities aren't normally spots to travel out of your way to get to (although the skiing in Tohoku is definitely underrated) but if you are on your way up there and have the time, its a good way to see some parts of Japan most people don't know about.

Also, if you are on crazy budget. I think there are overnight buses from Tokyo all the way up to places like Aomori city. Should be 5000 for one way. I don't know if there are more buses from there to Hokkaido, but you can take trains to Hakodate or Sapporo.

I heard there are sleeper trains to Hokkaido but don't know anything about them.

Look here for more information. I think its faster to take the shinkansen to Sendai and then get a train to hokkaido from there.



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if it were down to fast food i'd go mosburger and cake any day over kfc..

ideally i'm looking for a house/ electronica event but i don't know any of the dj's playing at the usual spots so I could use some feedback? My last trip to tokyo was xmas 2 years ago and I had a great time at Air and Yellow, and saw the potential at Ageha but it turned out to be a gay night. Yellow now seems to be closed and i have no idea who is playing what these days on what nights.

So yeah, any comments on the local talents on xmas eve would be greatly appreciated guys


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牧瀬里穂 歳ラストに“年愛婚â€

12月16日7時2分配信 スポーツニッポン

 女優の牧瀬里穂が、交際中のファッションプロデューサー氏本名非公表と日に婚姻届を提出し、結婚することが分 かった。出会いから年。アツアツカップルがついに愛を成就させる。日が誕生日の牧瀬にとっては歳ラストデーの嫁入り。関係者によると、妊娠はし ておらず、挙式・披露宴は行わないという。

 年の瀬に噂のカップルが夫婦の契りを交わす。人は年月に共通の知人の紹介で出会い、まもなく恋愛関係に発展。同年秋には写真雑誌にショットを 撮られ、牧瀬が「とてもいい感じでお付き合いをしています」と交際宣言をしていた。一昨年月日には、東京・国立競技場内の特設スペースを使って 氏がイタリアのファッションブランド「」のパーティーをプロデュース。その会場で仲むつまじい姿を披露し、順調な交際ぶりをうか がわせていた。

 いつ結婚してもおかしくない状況が続いたが、人は焦ることなく、じっくりと愛を熟成させてきた。牧瀬が日、氏が日と、ともに 月が誕生日。関係者によると、当初はどちらかのバースデーに婚姻届を提出する案もあったようだが、結局、大安の日を選んだ。


 氏は文化服装学院を卒業してデザイナーとしてキャリアをスタート。東京・原宿にアパレルショップ「」をオープンさせ、猿の 顔をモチーフにした「・・」というブランドを立ち上げて一躍脚光を浴びた。英サッカー界のスーパースター、デビッド・ベッカム や米女優ナタリー・ポートマンら海外にも顧客は多く、年商は億円ともいわれている。また自らを務めたり、米メジャーデビューが決 まったヒップホップグループ「テリヤキボーイズ」のプロデュースを手掛けるなど音楽界でも活躍。私生活では年に元「東京パフォーマンスドール」で歌手 の市井由理と結婚し、年に離婚している。



 ◆牧瀬 里穂まきせ・りほ年昭月日、福岡県生まれの歳。年武田薬品工業主催の「ミスビタミンハイシーガールコン テスト」でグランプリに選ばれ芸能界デビュー。年「東京上空いらっしゃいませ」「つぐみ」で映画デビューし、毎日映画コンクール・スポニチグランプリ 新人賞受賞。年には「ターン」で毎日映画コンクール女優主演賞。映画を中心にドラマ、舞台でも活躍。昨年は自身のアロマブランド「−」も立ち 上げた。

 ◆ニゴー年昭月日、群馬県生まれの歳。音楽プロデューサーでクラブとしてもカリスマ的な人気を誇る 藤原ヒロシ氏に似ていることから「藤原ヒロシ号→」と名乗る。年、東京・原宿にアパレルショップをオープン。斬新なデザインで国内外の若者 に人気。年には米雑誌「」の特集で「アジアの英雄人」の人に選ばれた。

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Thanks, raj. I was looking for stores actually. Any ideas?

i'd pick up one of those toy magazines, i forget the names, but there are various publications for model hobbies/ toy collectors that sell vintage toys. i'd find one of those and use the maps so prevalent in japanese magazines.

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lol, i can give you one,shop called ot & emotional

does anyone know the name/address of the denim shop in harajuku that's in the basement of a building in one of the alleys?

i remember that they carry the flat head, sugar cane, and redmoon.

Lolz, that description fits like a hundred stores in harajuku.
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Hi everyone, just wondering what fancy dress costume shops are really cool to go to in Tokyo,

Which ones are the ultimate musts for the zany, quirky & offbeat ? .also, I love cutting edge experimental fashion and was wondering if anyone could provide any suggestions...

Thank you

Shut up and go away.

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