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the LONDON meetup!! 05/08/07

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Ok i'm confirmed now, I usually live on facebook but i'll dig out the retro n-gage and send you my number tomorrow. Probs arriving about midday on the bus into victoria

vodka redbull
Double vodka rebull- amateur (although i can't get blind drunk, i have to find my way back to the coach station at 3AM to get back to oxford.)

I shall have to drag out some respecatble attire fro WAYWT, I'll be wearing canes anyway so look out for the back pocket:P

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Awhhhh, you won't miss nothing.

If you're really feeling left out, just buy a couple six packs, 200 smokes and a gram of coke, then download a few episodes of Nathan Barley, work out the time difference and co ordinate yourself in front of the the telly while you neck the lot so we're working on the same clock.

Equivalent of a satellite link up, innit?

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Damn you all being so farking far away and having all these fantastical meet-ups.

I thinking of sending me mate Ruddy down to represent me.....he's a nut case, you'd love 'im. He lives by that Cricket ground, Abbey road area...is that far away?

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Nice to meet you all. I lost the posse at the bar in Clissold Park, but fortunately met some old friends who gave me a lift all the way home which was a blessing. After all that sun I was too f*cked to have made it to Boombox anyway. Hope you all enjoyed yourselves.

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boombox was 'guestlist only' as we worried, but needless to say highstreet+5 fashion groupies were noted down on that magic clip board the guy with the wierd moustache holds, and all made it through unscaved (none however being of the superfuture camp).

after boombox, we wet ourselves at the after party in aquarium (homo fest complete with swimming pool and hot tub). where, again, reminiscent of the night before, i found myself underwearless.

its a pitty the rest of sufu was otherwise engaged for the night.

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