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i can only imagine how many edibles that guy ate.. the most potent highs I've ever had were from edibles. your body can achieve a very trippy, almost psychedelic high by eating well made canna foods. I've had friends who have "added" more to their recipes thinking they'd just get higher but this is probably the worst thing you can do. a simple marijuana high can turn into something very unwanted when one consumes more edibles then he/she should..

this makes me want to eat as many edibles as my stomach can hold


the only time I've ever felt "uncomfortable" with mary jane was my first and only time making edibles. Cooked down a qp of trainwreck shake into a lb of butter and made cookies and brownies. That fuckin butter was glowing green! Of course it takes a while to sneak up on you and I must have had 5-6 of em in that time I was crazy high for almost 24 hours, even had to call in sick to work the next day.

Never freaked out just from smoking although I did take rips out of a 5' bong till I vomited once, I don't suggest that either.

I've heard edibles/eating herb is the only way yu can really od on THC, that correct all you scientists out there?

this makes me want to eat as many edibles as my stomach can hold

*also, only time ive ever thrown up from smoking weed was because of the actual act, ive always been a cougher regardless of how frequent i smoke and sometimes i can get so bad my guts almost get like tricked into barfing theyre just contracting so hard, only actually happened once though i didnt mind by then, was feeling a-okkk

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smoked a joint in the hot tub right before layin down for the night...

unfortunately, the hot tub doesn't do the same thing for smoking as it does for drinking, but it was pretty funny every time I took a big rip I would float up to the top. alright, fuck it, I'm high, exhausted and going to bed.

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i dont like edibles that much

one time i ate so much that i literally couldnt get up or say anything coherent

i was sitting on a sofa in someone's room, the other people were watching youtube videos (they didnt have nearly as much as i did), and i just had no idea how to interact with anything anymore.

later on i had to walk home (30 minutes) because i couldnt afford a cab

worst walk of my life probably

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^^ it depends i guess.

once i had a really fucked up reactions and i was feeling really bad.

but once i drank a hash coffee and it was amazing. took a long time to kick in but i was high for so long. I was with a friend and i was pretending to be a ninja and i was moving like such. i took the bus after to go home and some kids we're fighting (but really hardcore).

but i still thought in some way that it was funny and an interesting experience.


i'm high -_-

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yes or no this or that Ma·ri·jua·na version

green crack or super bubba? i know about the bubba, anyone tried green crack?

funny that you say this cuz I just got done with some Green Crack and was not impressed.

Green Crack is a full out indica that just fails miserably at it's attempt at joining the kush family. Bubba had a hint of sativa to it which I found to be an enjoyable smoke during the day

I have currently tossed my bag of Green Crack in the closet and chose to buy local Hempstar, which I like way better and is way cheaper.

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