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Previous level. I been know that. And the only fools who ain't are people who just realized the Transformers franchise after the live action movie.

Peter Cullen is the man! Dude has done a shit ton of voices, and wasss supposed to do the voice of Snake? Or some shit from Metal Gear Solid or whatever game of that series.

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Cullen is definitely NOT solid snake. Solid snake is by David Hayter. du kinda even looks like snake


I read somewhere that Hideo Kojima, the japanese metal gear top dog actually prefers the american solid snake voice to the japanese one. Makes sense, Hayters voice is fuckin gold. makes me want to start smoking to get that gritty bad-assness he's got.



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next level knowing how your food is made:


Say hello to mechanically separated chicken. It’s what all fast-food chicken is made from—things like chicken nuggets and patties. Also, the processed frozen chicken in the stores is made from it.

Basically, the entire chicken is smashed and pressed through a sieve—bones, eyes, guts, and all. it comes out looking like this.

There’s more: because it’s crawling with bacteria, it will be washed with ammonia, soaked in it, actually. Then, because it tastes gross, it will be reflavored artificially. Then, because it is weirdly pink, it will be dyed with artificial color.

But, hey, at least it tastes good, right?

High five, America!


mmmm... finger lickin good (10)

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mmmm... finger lickin good (10)

C'mon man too obvious

And wtf "next level knowing how your food is made" that is quite a stretch.

Previous level attempt.

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Yea I guess a quick look-through on wikipedia shows they don't put the whole chicken through it but it's still kind of nasty. To think that that gooey pink shit was once a chicken?

Mechanically separated meat (MSM), also known as mechanically recovered/reclaimed meat (MRM), is a paste-like meat product produced by forcing beef, pork, turkey or chicken bones, with attached edible meat, under high pressure through a sieve or similar device to separate the bone from the edible meat tissue. Mechanically separated meat has been used in certain meat and meat products since the late 1960s. This product can be contrasted with meat extracted by advanced meat recovery systems. The most common use of MSM is into hot dogs.


Not sure about the second part but wouldn't be surprised if it's true. Then again wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't.

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Yea I guess a quick look-through on wikipedia shows they don't put the whole chicken through it but it's still kind of nasty. To think that that gooey pink shit was once a chicken?

I dunno man.. people get all uppity when mass production techniques are applied to their food, but how else are we going to feed an entire nation? People wish it was still mom and pop, tenderly cutting and preparing each breast, sealed with a kiss as they hand it to you in some brown paper bag wrapped twine. Well, big news, but those mass production facilities have strictly regulated safety standards. That pink goo looks gross now, but it has been verified by some smart folks to be "safe for consumption." Same doesn't necessarily apply to mom and pop.. nobody can get after her for neglecting to mention that cold sore on her lip :P

When its not mass food production, people LOVE IT. You don't hear anybody screaming OH GROSS when they learn how their silverware is produced in china at 1500 units/minute.

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The thing that sucks about most mass food production is how they go about it. They are constantly are trying to increase production/efficiency to make a greater profit. This includes all sorts of shit (additives, gene manipulation, hormones). Of course this is labeled "safe for consumption" because the companies that make this shit pay the salary of the people that determine that, not to mention the people that jump back and forth between the private industry and the regulation agencies.

and we all know how shitty lobbyists are.

Money will buy you approval.

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The thing that sucks about most mass food production is how they go about it. They are constantly are trying to increase production/efficiency to make a greater profit. This includes all sorts of shit (additives, gene manipulation, hormones). Of course this is labeled "safe for consumption" because the companies that make this shit pay the salary of the people that determine that, not to mention the people that jump back and forth between the private industry and the regulation agencies.

and we all know how shitty lobbyists are.

Money will buy you approval.

Yeah, that's what I'm saying the whole American capitalist system is built on "cutting costs/increasing profit" regardless of any harmful side effects that come from it. The whole fiasco with the oil spill in the gulf was basically because of this. If you read "Fast food nation" there's a section that's basically a modern day Sinclair's "The Jungle" that shows how they exploit undocumented workers to package meat in anything but "safe and clean" conditions. Just because the FDA says it's "safe for consumption" doesn't necessarily mean it is, you'd have to be pretty naive to actually believe that shit.

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Hahaha wait is this actually news to anyone? God man you are really striking out.

Yes, there are obviously complications that come from having a nationalized system of food safety regulations, but seriously what do you suggest as an alternative? It's a big fucking country, and even under the current efforts to mass-produce cheap (and safe) food, there are still some without...

don't quite understand how he is striking out. not everyone is an 18 yr old kid who thinks he has the world figured out. try not to be an asshole every time you go to say something; you never know, someone may actually start to like you.

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