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Hair Thread


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my hair is a mix of morrissey + agent dale cooper + ssyouth

my personal opinion of hair is that short hair with a quiff is the ultimate way to combine utility with vanity in a style that is both timeless and allows you to age respectively with your hair.

long hair, especially unkempt hair (even into your later 20s) is a sure way to show the world that you will be a bald and confused middle aged man...

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mine looks like that haircut ^ except its a little longer on the sides.

i love having all that length on top bc i can do different things - push it all foward and rock swoopy bangs, slick it back for a vintage look, slick it back with a part, part it out of my face, do messy bed head. it really allows you to change up your look a lot.

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So I tried to fuck with Hedis cut. Went to supercuts cuz it seemed easy enough. I wanted something low maintenance so I wouldnt have to style it everyday.


I think the top is a little too short. I'll grow it out and keep on trimming the sides so it gets close to what Hedi has. Sorry for the crappy pics. I think it turned out decent. After comparing pics mine looks shitty compared to Hedis, but thats what I get for fucking with a 15 dollar supercut.




this is horrid, this is why you don't go to supercuts, its not even a bit blended between the long and short. i don't understand how a stylist can take that pic of hedi and then possibly cut it THAT short on the top and think its going to be the same as that pic

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This is how I roll!





Easy cut, easy to maintain. Short on the back and sides, split on the left, everything

combed to meet in the back. Wash hair, airblow it damp like the way you want,

apply greaser pomade like Pusher or Route66 (fantastic products), comb with a wet

comb. Go outside. Easy as hell!

sorry, i keep going through this thing and finding fab haircuts that deserved to be bumped up. this being one of them.

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Really feeling this style.


Old job kept me from rocking something like this, now I work at an art gallery which is a bit more liberal, tempted to get it done.

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Really feeling this style.


Old job kept me from rocking something like this, now I work at an art gallery which is a bit more liberal, tempted to get it done.

Funny you bring up the job scenario. Here's a story from 2004...

I work at a hospital in the I.T. dept. I had repaired some stupid cunt's home laptop (which i in no way had to do. it was a gesture of kindness if anything else) and I was returning it to her office. She was the CEO's secretary, by the way. So I return it to her, fixed, and she said thank you. So, the next day at work my boss pulls me aside and told me that the bitch COMPLAINED about my haircut, saying that I looked "disorganized" to the CEO and she'd recommended to the CEO that I be reprimanded and forced to cut it. AFTER I HAD FIXED HER HOME LAPTOP. It still enrages me to think about this. Well, the CEO contacted my boss (who was my friend) and demanded (without ever seeing my hair) that it be cut or that I be let go for some bullshit reason regarding appearance at work. It looked a lot like this, and I was forced to buzz my head. Fuck the world.

Just thought I'd share.

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^ Harsh, I am sorry to hear that man. People suck sometimes. Should have told them that you are some next level shit and that's what professional appearance will be like in the next few years.

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then quick quick, what can i do to fix it! what's cool??? :confused::confused::confused::confused:


Not about looking cool, just about finding a cut that suits you. Your shit is on some bogus manniquin steez (no nfone), looking like it was drawn on with a sharpy- sweaty, greasy style.

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^You are a huge... fucking... idiot.

And without hostility, you have a really goofy cut.

Alright guys. Enough. Kid def needs help, though.

What I would do is keep it short. You and I seem to have somewhat similar hairlines and hair textures. Mine gets oily very fast and when I wash it, it looks stupid as hell. I have a very square hairline with very straight, fine hair. I can't really get a shag going because of that. What I've found is that a tight taper going up into (not a buzz) but short textured sides and a short textured top just a hair longer than on the sides looks very good. Buy an issue of Arena Homme and you'll see this cut about a bazillion times. Another good one is to go for a hitler youth cut. But as you might have gained from this thread, a whole lot of people are trying to pull that off lately so it might not be the best idea if you're going for something very "fresh". Though I think its a timeless cut.

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The thing you have to remember about Superfuture is you could see 12 people with the haircut on here in a week and then out in "the real world" probably not run into it once. As over-saturated as the now infamous "All Black + White Sneakers" look is on Superfuture you would literally never see anyone else doing it decently where I'm from (San Diego) and literally the only other person I've seen doing it in Providence is Doctor_Worm.

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this is horrid, this is why you don't go to supercuts, its not even a bit blended between the long and short. i don't understand how a stylist can take that pic of hedi and then possibly cut it THAT short on the top and think its going to be the same as that pic

It's horrid cause the dude is uggs.

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The thing you have to remember about Superfuture is you could see 12 people with the haircut on here in a week and then out in "the real world" probably not run into it once. As over-saturated as the now infamous "All Black + White Sneakers" look is on Superfuture you would literally never see anyone else doing it decently where I'm from (San Diego) and literally the only other person I've seen doing it in Providence is Doctor_Worm.

This is a good point. I suppose that I forgot that it's still fresh if you're not the only person on the planet doing a specific thing at any given time.

It's horrid cause the dude is uggs.

Nope. He's not.

Let's see your face.

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