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The Great Global Warming Swindle


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in my opinion it doesnt really matter if global warming is a hoax or not

we aren't helping the environment, so we need to change

Disagree. The earth is going to be around until it gets swallowed up by the sun. It can take meteors crashing into it, nuclear bombs, and it can definitely take global warming. It will be around billions upon billions of years after humans are extinct. There's no reason to help the environment for the environment's sake because in a couple million years it's gonna cycle around through new dominant life forms and in the end it doesn't matter, for the earth.

That said, we need to protect humanity and other life on this planet. You guys talk about saving Africa? Well they're gonna be getting the shittiest end of the stick if things continue the way they are. There will be catastrophic consequences if something isn't changed, it's not simply "a few extra degrees." As the report shows, there is a small (<5%) chance that it cannot be helped by human change. So basically you've got a 10-shooter with 9 bullets in it. Do you want to play Russian roulette with that?

And Milspex, Republican propaganda websites do not normally qualify as "news." In the same way that Inconvenient Truth is just an over-sensational simplified view on the topic of global warming and its causes, this trainwreck of a film is equally sensational and as proven by a minute amount of research, based on evidence and quotes taken out of the proper context, and largely false.

Lastly, saying someone's sources are invalid and unqualified does not constitute an ad hominem attack. Just FYI.

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i just watched the whole movie tonight after reading this thread. It's a decent flick. Just the other end of the spectrum of an Inconvient truth. I certainly didn't need a movie to solidify my opinions, but the first half talking about how everyone was caught up in this whole global warming frenzy was completely true.....agree with the OP about this issue though, it's something that you can't really argue effectively. You don't hear many people say that they're for global warming and the ruining of the enviornment...but it's either fanatical or apathetic

heres the thing though.. reducing carbon emissions is an admirable goal and so is energy consumption.. Our world is so obssessed with oil, and energy that we will never move past it unless theres a crisis. Even if this crisis is only half as real as it may be presented in the media, is it worth the risk of not doing anything??

As much of an issue as it is in the media now, there are very few leaders and countries which are truly embracing even the Kyoto accord.... Even in Toronto, ive noticed weather patterns changing over the years.. and i can't say for sure that it's caused by humans.. but considering the ill we're doing to the planet, common sense would dicate YES IT IS US WHO FUCKED UP

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WSU. I am a research associate at Harvard right now, to clarify. I'm not good enough to be a prof at Harvard. Nor am I masochistic enough. The pressure and workload on profs here is inhumane.

Yeah, I knew you were at Harvard for a post-doc or something. WSU as in Washington State University? Wichita State? Wisconsin State (does that even exist?)? Wayne State?

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"irregardless" IS a word, you queef basket. irregardless of how he used it in his sentence.

note: my grammatical error was on purpose...just to further IRRitate your slutty self ;)

hahaha. "irregardless isnt a word" - lol

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