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The Gerstein Science Information Centre is the University of Toronto's flagship library supporting the sciences and health sciences. The largest science and health science academic library in Canada, Gerstein has a collection of over 945,000 print volumes of journals and books, and also provides access to over 100,000 online journals and books.

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i mean, i guess its overreacting and all, but when you photoshop a politicians head onto a big naked baby, do expect that dude to want that magazine kicking around offices where people have to answer to his authority?

if my roomate put up 'fuck cory' stickers around the apartment, id probably take them down and smash her label maker.

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As a journalist I'm still really, really embarrassed for Now Magazine because you're right, the photoshops and name-calling at the end of the story (which was otherwise so-so; decent information but not terribly well written) were absolutely childish. They did it for publicity and it worked: but the cover was enough, the extra shots inside were going a little far.

But it's still their constitutional right to do it. I don't really care about NOW being so-so journalism, because they've always pulled childish stunts like this, but Ford going so far as to have his city workers out trying to censor it? That's asinine. It's obvious that he's absolutely clueless about how the city works, but this is taking it a stretch too far.

I'm all for the odd fat joke, I make them myself, but I'm not a fan of the "fuck Rob Ford" graf on the highway or stunts like this. That doesn't mean I'm going to try and get them deleted.

He's pissed, rightly so, because the article made him look like a crook and an idiot (not that its' hard), but it doesn't excuse his reaction. The guy is mayor in one of the largest media markets in the world. No, we shouldn't represent ourselves like a lot of the trash coming out of the UK, but still.

As far as people answering to his authority, that's not even a choice at this point. He side-steps council meetings, has secret votes, avoids the media (presumably for fear of saying something racist or ignorant---hey, Lastman!) and more or less bullies people into seeing his way.

What NOW is doing is on the same side of the coin: they're poking him to get a reaction so they can stir the pot. It's working, and it's shitty.

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Dawg I don't floss with Mayor Ford by any stretch of the imagination, but removing magazines, with a photoshop of the mayor nude on the front cover, from city property, is not much of a breach of free expression. From time to time I see a cogent and reasonable critique of the man or his policies, but so long as Now and it's contemporaries define the tone of twentysomething dissenters as left of far-left and juvenile as internet comments, I will continue to find it difficult to throw in with them.

Now is now, and for as long as I've been reading in cafeterias and streetcars, always has been, a shit magazine. It's doubly shitty when aspires to punditry.

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Not yet, I'm starting a Msc. (here) next year in case my next round is a bust too.

As expected, because my third year marks weren't the best and my fourth year marks wouldn't be counted to this round anyway.

I'm mostly at Lab but sometimes I can be seen in dirty gers. Holler if you see me YO.

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Saw a dude on UofT campus with some Fracaps, well worn denim, a White Mountaneering parka, and a Visvim 20L. You be on here?

If this person is NOT from Sufu they're going to think their life is some type of Truman Show production when they find out about it.

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Not yet, I'm starting a Msc. (here) next year in case my next round is a bust too.

As expected, because my third year marks weren't the best and my fourth year marks wouldn't be counted to this round anyway.

I'm mostly at Lab but sometimes I can be seen in dirty gers. Holler if you see me YO.

I see. Congrats on the Masters then.

Pot committed to Toronto?

Edit: didn't read that last part. I don't really spend any time in the libraries anymore after basically living at Robarts for much of 2nd and 3rd year, but will do.

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