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Does anyone have a tattoo on their ribcage? I've heard such mixed reports about how much it hurts and was wondering if anyone could shed any personal light on it.

got tatted on my ribs a few weeks ago, it sucks, and this was only a small piece, less than an hour. then again all tattoos hurt, the tattooer and their technique, the needle size and arrangement, the different guns [rotary or coil] and the voltage, how gentle the tattooer is as they dab or wipe away the blood as they go.

there are so many variables to the pain of getting a tattoo, that is even hard to tell how much it will hurt session to session.

the biggest factor in my experience is my own mood, if i am in the zone it is easy, if i am not it sucks big time.

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mood will be the biggest thing. i sat through my ribs which was 1 session and it didn't seem as bad as my chest which was 3 sessions. as much as you'd like to sit through it, sometimes your body doesn't want to deal with it.

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On the 22nd, I'm getting my arm, chest, sternum, collarbone, shoulder and ribs tattooed. Maybe a bit of the armpit too... depending on what the artist feels.

I'll be able to add to this once it goes down haha. Pics for sure.


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Does anyone have a tattoo on their ribcage? I've heard such mixed reports about how much it hurts and was wondering if anyone could shed any personal light on it.

Getting my ribs done was brutal. The piece I got has a lot of shading, so repeatedly going over the same tender spots didn't help. For comparison, my first piece was chestpiece which goes onto my collarbone. My artist told me that because I sat so well for that that I would have no problem getting a tattoo anywhere else on my body. But when it came to my ribs... ouch.

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Getting my ribs done was brutal. The piece I got has a lot of shading, so repeatedly going over the same tender spots didn't help. For comparison, my first piece was chestpiece which goes onto my collarbone. My artist told me that because I sat so well for that that I would have no problem getting a tattoo anywhere else on my body. But when it came to my ribs... ouch.

Yep - ribs are brutal man! Would not touch that area again, but it is my favourite tat though

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i was just asked what it felt like to get a tattoo from someone who has never had one. thought i would share.

is it like a pin prick?

it is more like someone scratching your skin, dragging something sharp across it, finer lines you can feel the puncturing of the skin more, the finest i have had that i know about was a 3 group [three needles together], that was the outline on my ribs and i expected it to be hell. it wasn't as bad as i thought [this has been the case every time except my chest]

the bigger groupings feel more like pressure than a scratch, when i was getting my chest outlined the pressure of the machine dragging around the outside of each feather [long continuous lines] was almost unbearable i just wanted it to stop, then i would take a breath, go someplace else in my mind.

there is an almost meditative state that happens after the first 10 or so minutes when your body chemicals kick in the pain mostly feels like an interruption of this meditation.

the thing that gets to me and stops me from going for bigger sessions than 2 hours is the swelling, bruising and general trauma. every wipe with that paper towel is worse and worse, shading and colour gets to me with the multiple passes, multiple wipes, the sting of the alcohol to finish is the most painful of all.

anything over an hour puts me in a dreamy state, just kinda spaced out for the rest of the day, if the session has been rough, that first shower when i have to get in there to clean the slime out is hard, but i have learnt to do it properly or risk scabbing/losing colour.

i forget the pain almost instantly and think about getting the next one

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Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who gave their opinion about the rib cage. Just got my first tattoo - three five inch long lines on my ribs. Two on the left, one on the right. It hurt, but not nearly as much as I thought it would. Like haotronic said, the worst part was the shading as time went on. The first two ribs were alright, but by the time the third came around I just wished he could have done it all in one fell swoop.

Anyway, the help/insight was appreciated.

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What is the longest you broskis have ever sat for a tattoo? I'm thinking about traveling to do a chest banger and I would be disappointed if I couldn't get it finished in one sitting. Very traditional, 5 colors, I'm thinking 3-4 hours max.

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I've done 5 and a half. The last 50 minutes were alllllllll ankle colouring/shading. Stupid painful.

It should be pretty easy! You have enough endorphins for at least 3 hours when you get tattooed. The last hour might be a bit of a stretch but bearable! I'll report back next week haha ;)

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Travelling to get tattoed ups my endurance. At home the longest I ever sat was four hours. Last weekend I travelled to Boston to finish my sleeve. Just the extra "this is it" feeling from going adds endurance. Sat 7 1/2 hours the first day, 3 the second day to finish. It sucked. But it is done!

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Travelling to get tattoed ups my endurance. At home the longest I ever sat was four hours. Last weekend I travelled to Boston to finish my sleeve. Just the extra "this is it" feeling from going adds endurance. Sat 7 1/2 hours the first day, 3 the second day to finish. It sucked. But it is done!

Just curious, where in Boston did you go?

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my coverage and the general state of the collection so far.


getting some more trad flash, interested in getting some modern euro dot/pattern work, and because i live in the capital of polynesia some traditional maori ta moko, and if i get enough balls some samoan tatau done with tradional instruments.

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Just curious, where in Boston did you go?

artists name is holly azzara. Shes great. Works fast too. Her place is in watertown.

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