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Worst WAYWT Street Version


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I would have never imagined it to be a base located in okinawa.....i just assumed it was a school in the US cause thats what i see in movies and shit lol.

The US bases here are like little pieces of America fully exported to Japan.

btw Red, those black guys probably think your stee looks just as stupid. The guy in the BBC shorts and hoody rocks it really well imo..he knows whats up.

Actually they`re prolly posting up phone pics right now of you on Bapetalk and commenting on how goofy you look in your ball breaker jeans..

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The US bases here are like little pieces of America fully exported to Japan.

btw Red, those black guys probably think your stee looks just as stupid. The guy in the BBC shorts and hoody rocks it really well imo..he knows whats up.

Actually they`re prolly posting up phone pics right now of you on Bapetalk and commenting on how goofy you look in your ball breaker jeans..

actually, they asked me: "yo nigga, where you get yo J's at?" (0)

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Guy on the far right has a different version of the Warn A Brotha shirt on. +rep to him if he joins

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When you get older people stop being so fucking stupid.

Haha just kidding. But hopefully at that point you've developed into a tough as fuck sex god who has razors edge style, so punks never phase you.

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I live in 800 sq.f. but I've got money to burn. Pffft, you sound like a fucking loser. Grow up. Especially since you either live with your parents or have them pay for your shit.

cosign. serously, you keep mentioning the size of his and your house...when the fuck did that matter? i mean even if the guy is full of shit, you just sound very bitter for some reason. :/

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