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waywt? saved my life

sycamore no more

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Story: So I was gonna have me a little jump rope session in the garage in my Nike booty shorts and werkout clothes, when my friends called me:

"Hey, Isabelle wanna come to the arcade with us? We're coming to pick you up right now."

"Okay, but I'm not wearing any pants right now"

"Oh...that's totally okay with us. Really."

"No, no it's not okay"

Moral: Never tell your guy friends you're not wearing pants.


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Is this Baguette? http://nymag.com/daily/fashion/2009/09/video_look_book_chinese_fashio.html

Baguette u looking good but sorry not really feeling your friend.



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before people decide to go and neg me for the wallet chain.....recycled pic....in europe x needed security.....

if you wanna neg me for other reasons, by all means :)


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