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^yeah, but usually they're obscure quotes that most people never seem to get, and then they think I'm just spouting off random weird shit

But you're always spouting out random weird shit regardless.

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It's because I listen to the rap music, which gave me the brain damage.

With the hippin' and the hoppin' and the bippin' and the boppin'.

Man you got manga on your icon , we know you don't listen to rap. Prolly rock out to electonica Arthur all day long , beating your meat as you see him beat up DW and as you envision beating up that girl in class that rejected you.

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It's funny how everyone who claims to be Atheist, HAS to proclaim that they are indeed Atheist and WHY. When not every single Christian or Catholic puts it out there on their public Internet profiles, nor do they feel the need to proclaim so...

So the question is... Who is more concerned about preaching their belief?

Thought about this on the toilet....

*drops Spirit Bomb yespun

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Woah I just looked up "atheist"

I can't describe the reaction I had but I was filled with such utter shock and disbelief that I can't understand how a person would feel this way.

A world without a God AND religion? Are they mad? How do they come up with such strange beliefs...it must be that rap music. It's the devils work.

And those video games.

Sunday mass can't come any sooner.

Hey everyone I'm a Christian btw :) you can visit my my______ page (or facebook but who uses that lame site lol) and my linked in and I have many quotes from the bible like this one

"Let no man quabble and babble and dilly dally do" Matthew 69:69

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damn it, i just made some pancakes with bacon for dinner and im still hungry. i do think im gonna eat something else but now im feeling too lazy to cook something else

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It's funny how everyone who claims to be Atheist, HAS to proclaim that they are indeed Atheist and WHY. When not every single Christian or Catholic puts it out there on their public Internet profiles, nor do they feel the need to proclaim so...

So the question is... Who is more concerned about preaching their belief?

Thought about this on the toilet....

*drops Spirit Bomb yespun

not again

this thought need to be down the toilet with the rest of the shit

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Shit loads of people are atheists and don't talk about it all the time, in fact I'd say that most people in the west are atheists/agnostic - even many that self identify as christian often don't actually have any belief. I know this is especially common in the UK.

When I was at school we had to fill out our religion on a form and my parents told me to put CofE (Church of England) despite the fact that we NEVER went to church and none of my family believe in God.

Same as when I did jury duty, we were asked if we wanted an affirmation, rather than swearing on the bible. I was the only person who asked for one, but when it came to trial, half the jury ended up asking for it. They just didn't want to be the first person to ask for it.

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Shit loads of people are atheists and don't talk about it all the time, in fact I'd say that most people in the west are atheists/agnostic - even many that self identify as christian often don't actually have any belief. I know this is especially common in the UK.

When I was at school we had to fill out our religion on a form and my parents told me to put CofE (Church of England) despite the fact that we NEVER went to church and none of my family believe in God.

Same as when I did jury duty, we were asked if we wanted an affirmation, rather than swearing on the bible. I was the only person who asked for one, but when it came to trial, half the jury ended up asking for it. They just didn't want to be the first person to ask for it.

Personal gripe, but please don't use those two words interchangeably.

Also, preachy atheists are like small kids who just found out that they are right about something and that everyone else are wrong, so they go around shouting it out loud. Bah.

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Personal gripe, but please don't use those two words interchangeably.

Also, preachy atheists are like small kids who just found out that they are right about something and that everyone else are wrong, so they go around shouting it out loud. Bah.

I wasn't using them interchangeably, a forward slash is most often used to to mean and/or.

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silence/calming music

focus on white light (general good energy) or something you want to happen (focusing positive energy while concentrating on the outcome)

somewhere comfortable

steady breathing

That's basic rundown of western meditation. There's lots of different types and different goals of the meditations. What is your motivation for meditating? Is it so you can tell other people that you meditate? (being cool_) or search for inner peace? OR maybe you want someone to move to boston because you hate working with them?

lol nah i dont think meditation is very cool here ... actually im pretty sure my friends would give me shit for it. i just dled a chakra healing meditation cd that should be helpful. i definitely want to start though because this year is quite important for me uni-wise and ive studied positive psychology and heard of the significant benefits mind exercises and interventions can have. also have felt occasionally overwhelmed with girl problems and shit like that which i think relaxation techniques might help with ...

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never seen How Do They Do It, but i haaate How It's Made. i used to love watching everyday things being made in factories, but they somehow made it super boring. i think a lot of it has to do with the narrator

I find it soothing

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Went swimming at da beach the other day and got salt water up my nose and in my ears, then the next day my throat and ears were sore and it hurt to swallow things NOW I'M FEELING BETTER YAY AND I DIDN'T EVEN TAKE ANY DRUGS

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