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I guess I am going to be marathoning turok 2 without cheats, and maybe a little bit of jet force gemini till I can afford a new pair of headphones.

no speaks on comp, and only have n64 @ tv

i've been on this jet force gemini / majora's mask / nfl blitz kick lately

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I want to start a subculture that revels in bad taste.

You can't eat anything organic.

You can't listen to trendy music.

You can't drink beers from microbreweries.

You can't pay more than 20 dkr (3,5 usd) for a cup of coffee.

You can't go to in clubs.

We'll all be dancing to a combination of trance and braindead westcoast banger music, eat shitty hotdogs and drink instantcoffee.

Viva la vida!

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i've been on this jet force gemini / majora's mask / nfl blitz kick lately

I'm barely playing jfg tho, cuz I'm after the part you first fight mizar, so I'm just collecting those stupid tribals

no expansion pak or MM tho :(

I love majora's mask, need to cop again if I find

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I want to start a subculture that revels in bad taste.

You can't eat anything organic.

You can't listen to trendy music.

You can't drink beers from microbreweries.

You can't pay more than 20 dkr (3,5 usd) for a cup of coffee.

You can't go to in clubs.

We'll all be dancing to a combination of trance and braindead westcoast banger music, eat shitty hotdogs and drink instantcoffee.

Viva la vida!

It's called being lower class and over 30. *

*except the music stuff.

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Our moto will be:

"Fuck your english gardens. We are the pile of shit on your poppyfields"

The revolution starts in Copenhagen. Spread the word.

Also your first assignment will be to fuck up that organic hotdogstand on købmagergade for good!

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why do fobby korean girls type kkkkkkkkkkkkkk

are they really excited to talk to me or is there something im not getting

trust me for fobs it's a habit, same as you saying haha/lol/etc also comes in the form of ㅋㅋㅋ or ㅎㅎㅎ

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i've been on this jet force gemini / majora's mask / nfl blitz kick lately

my friend had nfl blitz on dreamcast, i loved it. first football game i ever played and when i played madden or whatever after i was like yo fuck where are the kickass tackles with people flying 15 feet when they get hit. i wanna buy a dreamcast so i can play that and sonic adventure, power stone, jet grind etc

really wanna play majora's mask soon too, it's the only 3d zelda i haven't played/beat

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Guest 8bpc
trust me for fobs it's a habit, same as you saying haha/lol/etc also comes in the form of ㅋㅋㅋ or ㅎㅎㅎ

Also watch out for the 'kekeke' alternative to the 'kkkkkk'.

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No Future Destroy


Right and bright Future do not want.

does eating fruit from the trees in your parents backyard count as organic?

Do you tell your friend how cool it is that you are able to go pic completely natural and organic fruits in your parents garden?

No? then you are fine.

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