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Amazing Photo Jake!!! Had a few moments today and thought I would share a couple photos of the dungarees. Also thought the jacket looked a little like the one in the photo of the guy wearing the shawl collar, mine minus the shawl collar though. Not as nice as the Nigel Cabourn one that Zissou mentioned though.



Thanks! The dungarees look like they're coming along fantastically. That is a cool coat, too, what is it?

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Thanks, eltopo. They're fairly basic leather chukkas from MOMA. Funny, over on styleforum, they like to tell me how terrible they look. whateva.


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Great fit on the Breezer, ThisSunday.

I have some old leather chukka boots from MOMA that I LOVE. Hard to find them around here which is a shame because they make really cool shoes.

I've beaten the hell out of mine, and the leather is still in good shape. I'll be happy to keep wearing these until I can upgrade to something nicer, like MOTO or Julian.

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did i not post or was it deleted? either way, this girl in the video is very ignorant of the brand and repro stuff in general. he seems really nice though

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I wonder if christophe ever gets sick of being asked the same questions.

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Ahh, she's kinda cute. That gets people places.

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terrible interviewer. how in the world did she land that gig

Did you see the holes in the knees of her pants?

Seriously, though, that interview exemplifies one of the biggest problems with journalism. She spent too much time establishing the context and importance of the person she was interviewing and no time talking about anything interesting. It was like interviewing Elvis and talking about how he has a zillion hits -- unless you've been living in a hut on an iceberg you know that. I'd rather hear Elvis talk about guitars or groupies or anything other than the obvious (in all fairness I don't know what theewebsite.com is about, I assume fashion, and in that case why didn't she at least talk about something meaningful to fashion -- it was all trivia). She was also very interested in tying herself to the interviewee. She only dropped her time three times in five minutes and never gave Christophe's full name. Also, stop showing that picture of Mos Def. I get it, famous people shop there? This is why good interviews take days and shitty interviews take an hour.

(Side note: I think the askvalet piece zissou posted was a far better use of a short interview).

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Did anyone here ever get that bad ass denim cap from Mister Freedom ? Think it was called the Mechanic's Cap or something like that. Based on a WWII USN cap I guess and it had a chambray cape that could be worn down to give more sun protection to the neck, or up out of the way. Selfedge carried it for a short time but tells me they are sold out for good. Would anyone else be carrying this hat ?

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