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New Contest Suggestion [Poll]


New Contest Suggestions Poll  

120 members have voted

  1. 1. What brand do you want see in a contest?

    • Roy
    • Tender
    • "Green Contest"
    • Warehouse
    • Denime
    • Pherrows
    • "Osaka 5" Contest
    • Ooe Yofukuten
    • TCB
    • Something else

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25 minutes ago, beautiful_FrEaK said:

Warehouse is taking the lead.

They have the 25th anniversary this year so maybe they will release something that could be used as a contest pair. A shop is probably needed to make sure enough pairs are ordered. 

wouldn't the inseam length on them be a problem for some of us?

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16 minutes ago, dau said:

wouldn't the inseam length on them be a problem for some of us?

If this does turn out to be a warehouse contest, would anyone sign on for a “bring your own pair” type scenario? I know some of you would rather see the new denim in action, but I’ve got a pair of 1105 that are dying to see some use and perhaps others may have some pairs of XX etc. 

Obviously if some folks wanted to try out the new model/denim, that would fly as well!

Edited by SuperJackle
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It still looks to me like there is enough variation to warrant a “Green Contest”. Giving the contest over to a single brand which leads the top 3 by a percentage point or two leaves 48% of the field not represented. If each contestant gets  to choose his own pair of jeans, we are all more likely to wear them producing more interesting evo. Just looking at recent contests, more variation,  less standardization is a good thing.

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it seems neck and neck Roy and Warehouse - IF Roy was willing to do this it would be more interesting (to me) to have a contest jean designed by him and also a real excuse to fork out money saved up for a pair of his craftsmanship. More unique. That being said Warehouse is a fantastic company - their latest 1967 seems ready to go for this project. Just more unique I can see it...being a Roy. Budget doubles of course. Peace and Godt Nytår (Danish for happy new year). 

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11 minutes ago, thedapperdane said:

it seems neck and neck Roy and Warehouse - IF Roy was willing to do this it would be more interesting (to me) to have a contest jean designed by him and also a real excuse to fork out money saved up for a pair of his craftsmanship. More unique. That being said Warehouse is a fantastic company - their latest 1967 seems ready to go for this project. Just more unique I can see it...being a Roy. Budget doubles of course. Peace and Godt Nytår (Danish for happy new year). 

Completely agree with that. With all the great possible choices the option with Roy is good because a) it's Roy b) it would be done for us, so real unique contest pair

and budget issue.. $$200-400 in 2 years perspective of contest is not that much of a difference. just wear this one pair and don't buy more ;)

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All of the three solutions mentioned by BF would make me happy. As it turns out I need a contest to really commit to a pair, otherwise I just keep rotating jeans and keep wearing some pairs that should be retired for posterity!

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Quietly decided to be a team player and support either WH and Roy although I'm biased towards the latter. (seriously doubt OOE can handle a contest jean - they're two people making a run of back packs and cosack jackets and just did a large order for S&S) . Hopefully, this works out. Should be good fun. 

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(i actually just managed to buy a pair of the 1946 denim so i’m looking forward to getting those in the mail... new denim, banner denim, or even the 12oz “2nd-hand” denim that has only been used in one-wash state a few times would all be great)

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