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FS: The Real McCoy's! The Flat Head! Jackets and shoes!


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First, a Real McCoy's MFG Co. Horsehide A2 (Seal Brown), Size 40. BiG sells this for ~2k, and I'm selling mine for $850 shipped. This jacket's been worn only a handful of times, and I think the photos reflect that. Aside from a tiny nick here and there (likely from being next to other shirts/jackets in my closet) that will undoubtedly fade out, this thing is in perfect condition. More pictures are available upon request. Measurements at BiG are accurate. 










Finally, white leather Flat Head Googies sneakers, size 9.5. These run big; this is the same size I wear in White's boots. I bought these from the Self Edge basement last summer, and I just never wear them (I've worn them maybe 7 times). They're probably the most well-built sneakers I've ever seen. 55 Shipped.



Edited by jstavrin
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