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i am wearing my tcb foreman vest today.


it is still not what i was aiming for, to be true, it's a workwear vest and definitely not a waistcoat. if i wear my shirt untucked its fine, the chest is perfect, everything else is, as Inoue-san intended, pretty loose and the body is long.


but now i have it and sizing down even more wouldn't change the workwear fit, maybe just make me regret wearing too snug fitting clothes.....

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dude that's a perfect fit, not too loose at all on you. the design it's not intended to be tight on your body. a size down would be wrong IMO.

at this stage I lost my hope of getting my foreman duck vest made. I think Inoue san is too busy with his backlog of orders to cut and sew my size 42, which is not in stock (he never made a 42 for that design).

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at this stage I lost my hope of getting my foreman duck vest made. I think Inoue san is too busy with his backlog of orders to cut and sew my size 42, which is not in stock (he never made a 42 for that design).


hm, grieve news.

i don't know your body and measurements, but as i had to size down one from my normal japanese tops' size i would say a 40 could work for you as well.

my 38 fit me like a potato sack, and this 36 is still generous. although, and we agree all on that, the chest sits correct.

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So I rolled the dice and picked up the last 50's cut in size 36 from Tuckshop. Even after reading this thread, and the Happy contest thread, I'm still pretty confused about sizing. My best fitting current pair are 19oz Samurai S510's in size 34. Do you think the 36's will be massively huge on me? Already planning on a good hot soak (possibly even a machine wash), and tumble dry to get all of the shrink out.


Any input is appreciated, and thanks guys!

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  • 2 weeks later...

To Garden Gnomes...

I love 'em, indeed the whole suit. Denim is just so characterful and I'm really embracing the looser cuts these days.

Not much evo to show, but I think they will fade reasonably fast, despite the wideness. Will stick up some more pics in future.

Edited by st199ml
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