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creating a zine on celebrity worship in school:



DUM: Try using all lower case for everything, or capitalizing all of the first letters. usually you wanna go with one and stick to it.

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Edward Tufty is the most lofty, high-falutin, condescending dick at his lectures. I went with my mom to one and it's like he purposefully tried to not communicate his ideas to anyone in the audience for the sake of making everyone squirm.

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that looks great dude, fuck it i'm changing mine heh

On the top right there is a super long paragraph. I would break it into a few columns. Usual # of characters you want in a paragraph is the alphabet spelled out twice. figure out how ever many collumns that breaks that body of text into. Then you will have the horizontals of the grid columns and the verticals of the lines of type working with your composition. Good thing to keep in mind with that is that the eyes of the girl will be the compositional focal point. You can work that when you are working on the composition

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same here, that color is a little painful I think

I like the site. One thing I would change is to raise everything up so that more of the photos fit on screen and don't require a scroll.

I'm lazy though.

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hmm. a small bit of color, jarring?

it's okay on your works with color, but on your b/w it's a bit distracting. you could put it on over instead of visited.

really great and solid work though meta. the only thing i'd say would be to ditch the 2nd Rendez-Vous photo, keep the bottom one for size reference, and below that the actual images of the murals. just a thought, since it sort of says "i did this" without actually saying it in the description.

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its looking really nice.

My only thought would be that the line break on the top line after the subheader sentence seems kinda confusing and not very useful. I would have the top line span the grid, but it's your call.

At kinko's they have this super cheap large format black&white laser printer called an osay printer. It's like 25 cents per square foot and you can go 36in x 25ft or something crazy. It might be dope to make a huge print of that poster. 24x36 would look nice, bigger could look really nice too.

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For what it is, it seems too expansive to me, and the "graph line" weight seems too much like it is the underline for a write in; possibly the cause of death specifically?

That's what I get anyway. I'd like it if the names were right-justified to match up with their respective graph lines as well, but then, that would work against the grid.

My $0.02.

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Yeah, I did try it right-aligned as well. I've not messed with the layout much since I was just trying to plug the names and deaths in. It wasnt my specific intention to emulate Müller-Brockmann, but he was definitely in my head. And the book sitting next to me is prob why I picked red/black. It's just harder to see the margins clearly if it's white (since here and on my blog the bg is white)

thanks for the input guys. I'll post it again once I think it's done.

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