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This girl Im dating/potential gf keep it a bit too bushy and natural. Best approach to get her to trim it a bit?

You're having sex, but your level of communication is such that you can't simply ask her "could you trim a little"?

Well, if you need an "approach" try, "I love going down on you, but some of that hair is getting in the way, can we trim it off?".

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My roommates girl friend is a fucking junkie on the silly crazy pants delusional level... she go's in the bathroom for a hour at a time, running the water and making all sorts of funny noises...

I move out tomorrow... I am fucking delighted to not have to be around this any more...

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i can't stop listening to drake

[if there was a specific moment where this album would sound entirely appropriate, it would be getting dressed in your freshest outfit to jerkoff to your ex girlfriend’s Facebook profile while sobbing gently. Simultaneously leaving vaguely poetic and emo messages on a photo of her in a bikini “…remember our trip out to Miami? I love’d it when your hair was still wet…†while writing amorphously boastful tweets about how you’re “killing the game.†If you’re in that very specific situation and mind frame, Take Care might be the most affecting piece of art since you saw The Notebook.

- Mishka » Review: Drake – Take Care via "]http://brrybnds.com/page/7]

oh and i like your site, whoever you are that is on here: http://brrybnds.com/page/7

Edited by gettoasty
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mundane confession: lol i made this uh thing and its on tumblr (just found it there) and it has like 8000 notes

but its like really stupid

(i would tell you what it is, but its linked to my flickr account and i like being anonymous here)

(though i'm sure any of you could find out who i was really easily)

(so yeah, semi-anonymous)

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^^ minimalism is fantastic. I've been working on getting rid of all physical media, converting everything to iTunes.

I don't have anything like that. Mainly just clothes that I haven't worn in years. I move alot so I really don't own any furniture or stuff like that. I'll keep all my books mainly for decoration, even though I have a Kindle.

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i haven't downloaded something on torrent for a very long time. megaupload/fileserve/etc. seem to work so much faster

private trackers are a lot faster / guaranteed good quality. but just searching google for shit on mediafire is the easiest thing.

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Really wish I had a job right now. Post college blues I guess. Worked right after school but relocated back home to save money until I get a better / "real" job.

Edited by Fycus
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i was told that one of my friends fucked two guys at the same time in a car

while she was in a relationship

i can never look at her the same way, shes's fine though

a few weeks after we broke up, the girl i lost my virginity to hooked with some random from a bar. apparently they fuckedi n the bathroom like an hour after they met. I was weirded out as fuck when I found out :unsure:

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