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Sold some chick in XXX my scooter for 600e before i moved back home... she has been hassling me about putting in paperwork for the scooter to be transfered to her name... this would cost like 10% of how much i sold it to her... after a few mails i just had to write this back...

Hey there.

I have been travling, and do not have my bank code thingy with me.

to be honest, i would like to help, but this is part of getting a scooter like that for 600E. I would like to help, but really, i dont want to do anything to go out of my way to help. i feel like selling it at such a reduced price from our original agreement was already pretty dope of me, and now, i would like nothing but the best for you, but really, just dont have the time or bank to be the frontman for the part of the show.

I know you can go to the cops and tell them i gave it to you, or you found it, and that after a few weeks they will give it to you in your name... there are ways to deal with this on your own. i urge you to look in to them.

Not to sound like a dick, but, i understand if thats how you see things.

Best and most,


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I have come to accept the idea that there are only 4 types of females. (No Sexist)




4. Dumb Broads

There are only two types of guys

1. Men

2. boys

...this shit is retarded

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Before you guys judge me, i can honestly say i've definitely been given opportunities and actually been approached by girls. I guess when you're at a young age, when a girl take special interest in you and sends obvious signals, you begin to feel nervous and afraid to pursue a relationship. That's how i felt and i pass off all opportunities. Now i'm at that age where if i never kiss a girl or live up to the modern standard, ill be degraded or humiliated. It is pressuring but I try to not let it get the best of me. I am in no way religious or gay, i just feel I never developed that confidence growing up. Confidence in any gender is key and i just lack that. I'm probably behind most of the guys in terms of relationship but will continue to keep my head up high.

Biggest tip a friend gave me, stop focusing on women and do things you love. Women love passion, and confidence comes from knowing you're good at what you like to do.

You also meet a lot of people if you're really dedicated about a cause / athletics / pursuit, and I like hanging out with people who give a shit. If you keep doing this, you'll find that you'll care less and less about attracting women, and they'll naturally come to you, since you're having a lot of fun living your life.

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did she pay u in cash? if so you can really fuck her over and just report it stolen (which covers your ass if somethign happens) but that wouldnt be nice :P

superconfesssional part somewhat related: i often wish i was more of a scumbag so i could scam dumasses for $$$

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no corporate finance? wth you going to do then??

in retrospect, i think the finance majors kind of got duped. finance is a field that requires way more math than what a business degree requires. luckily i was able to double major in stats :o

try not to narrow it down to just finance. i am sure you can find middle/upper management positions that will require such skill set, and it does not have to be in a corporate environment. with more experience, you can test the waters again later down your career

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in retrospect, i think the finance majors kind of got duped. finance is a field that requires way more math than what a business degree requires. luckily i was able to double major in stats :or

financial maths aren't so bad

i know a girl doing a BA in economics that requires no econometrics credits at all


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Before you guys judge me, i can honestly say i've definitely been given opportunities and actually been approached by girls. I guess when you're at a young age, when a girl take special interest in you and sends obvious signals, you begin to feel nervous and afraid to pursue a relationship. That's how i felt and i pass off all opportunities. Now i'm at that age where if i never kiss a girl or live up to the modern standard, ill be degraded or humiliated. It is pressuring but I try to not let it get the best of me. I am in no way religious or gay, i just feel I never developed that confidence growing up. Confidence in any gender is key and i just lack that. I'm probably behind most of the guys in terms of relationship but will continue to keep my head up high.

It's not a huge deal. It probably feels to you like the first [insert experience] is some huge life-changing, self-affirming event. It really isn't and you will be and feel like exactly the same person before and afterwards. Despite that, I highly recommend you find somebody to use. It is just one of those things that's worth doing at least for the sake of getting out of the way, regardless of how important it actually is.

you forgot bitches

Dey all bitches.

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Dey all bitches.

This is a shitty attitude to have, man. There are bitches, and there are women. Only fux with the latter. Fuck the former, but move on quickly.

need life advices

pursue masters degree living in a broken home

or move out with GF to another city and be happy but potentially circumvent obtaining a MSc degree for a least another 1-2 years

Get out, and invest in yourself. What's the point of a master's degree if you can't focus and do well in it? I know that for a lot of jobs, just having a master's is a good idea, but honestly, I'd much rather wait a year or two, grow personally, and then get a master's with good grades as well.

Also broken homes fucking suck man. :( Hang in there.

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I would stick it out to get the masters

but if the situation is unbearable, by all means, move in with your GF. you need to be mentally stable to study.

Can you not get your masters somewhere else?

My girlfriend somehow locked herself out of her bathroom tonight, but I had just gotten super high so I just said I would be by to fix it in the morning.

She's stuck outside the bathroom, So she's in her house? No biggy

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I thought women love a man in uniform?

Also, I just had all 4 wisdom teeth pulled this morning, I'm in blinding pain, and I still have to rush through metro north to get home before this hurricane, I gotta pick up my thom shirt from USPS.

Did you get any fun painkillers?

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