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Eating healthy is just plain disgusting, working out gives me nausea, cold sweats, and lightheadedness to the point I feel I may faint nearly every time (seriously. Not sure why), cigarettes are probably part of that problem, and way to expensive to keep buying, blows for art fag rockstars and white girls with too much of daddy's money (which I have little of) and running has never ever ever fit into my vocabulary and til spring comes the streets are too treacherous and my clothes too nice to try riding the bike

Really at a dead end right now with how to get this whole 'get healthy/in shape' resolution off the ground :,(

pushups. try to get to something like 100 a day. Watch your diet too - it's not so much "eating healthy" as it is "eating less of what you love".

I hate the cold too, and I've been sick, but I just eat smaller portions and do pushups + situps at home and it keeps me healthy. Otherwise I would just eat a lot and hibernate until spring.

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Eating healthy is just plain disgusting, working out gives me nausea, cold sweats, and lightheadedness to the point I feel I may faint nearly every time (seriously. Not sure why), cigarettes are probably part of that problem, and way to expensive to keep buying, blows for art fag rockstars and white girls with too much of daddy's money (which I have little of) and running has never ever ever fit into my vocabulary and til spring comes the streets are too treacherous and my clothes too nice to try riding the bike

Really at a dead end right now with how to get this whole 'get healthy/in shape' resolution off the ground :,(

try martial arts. Learning how to make someone stop breathing when they put you in headlock is a great way to get in shape.

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Really at a dead end right now with how to get this whole 'get healthy/in shape' resolution off the ground :,(

"Working out" definitely doesn't work for everyone. Any physical activity, and, as Scott said just cutting back generally helps a lot.

Then again, sometimes I find indulgence to the point of disgust works as motivation. After a while of doing that, deprivation becomes its own type of pleasure. I didn't exercise at all for about 6 months and now that I am again it's kind of amazing. Though, it might only work for me because I have a weird need for balance in my life - I usually go motivated to lazy, spazzy to somber, etc. in shifts. No, not bipolarity.

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which martial art teaches this technique?

Wing Tsun. Basically if someone gets you in a headlock, you can lock their shoulder, arm, and neck back. Giving you full access to their throat, while they cant hit back.

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Wing Tsun. Basically if someone gets you in a headlock, you can lock their shoulder, arm, and neck back. Giving you full access to their throat, while they cant hit back.

yeah this is bullshit. but if it isn't.... i want alink too

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Couldnt find any really good videos but these are close enough. Once someone gets you in a headlock, you wrap your arm over their shoulder, straighten your arm as much as possible, pushing their head back with your hand and it locks them so they cant hit you back with either arm. Clear path to the throat, groin, stomach, or u can take them to the ground with a stomp to the back of their knee.



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Alright, where do I even begin.

1. When do you think anyone will ever try and get you in a headlock like that.... a guillotine headlock is more likely.

2. Why do you think both of these videos start with the attacker already stretched out and erect? I want you to get headlocked by someone trying to cause you harm. See if your one arm alone can push back the attackers head (which is reinforced by his torso bending forward) from the bent over position you're in.

3. Say you magically, and I use the word magically because it's not far off, get him THAT exposed. Are we to think the attacker would be stupid enough to keep his arm hooked around your neck, allowing himself to be vulnerable? Watch the video, the only reason he's getting stabbed in the neck is because he's purposely still holding on the victim's neck, for demonstration purposes. And not surprisingly, that is the only instance in which this would work.

The lack of video evidence of this technique being useful alone should discredit its effectiveness and/or legitimacy. Look up how to throw a boxing combo, take a guy down, get from guard to mount, and all of these realistic techniques will yield you thousands of video tutorials and real life executions of said techniques.

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ke1 speaks truth.

i don't know of any fight (i've been in a lot) that has ever had me try and grab a guy with that weird of a head lock. everything is always guillotine or a rear naked choke.

and i've sparred / grappled with guys who knew wing tsun and none were able to perform any magic nerve pinches to me ever.

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In my lengthy diatribe, I didn't accuse wing tsun specifically for the lack of effectiveness/usefulness, merely the technique it self.

But whether it's a jiu-jitsu professor teaching you this move in the first 2 weeks of class (personal experience), or a krav maga instructor, the move is still suspect.

The difference in these videos is that it goes into detail that you have to punch the guys dick, which I feel is a get out of a beating free card in almost any situation. I'm not going to say it's "unfair" to strike a man's junk, but I was thinking of your technique from more of a MMA approach, with slight rules like no eye-gouging, hair pulling, biting, dick slapping. Of course when your getting headlocked like that in a bar or on the streets (only place where an inexperienced fighter would go for a useless headlock like such), you're fighting for your life and who am I to say you can't tear a man's penis into two. So basically I agree that this move could work, with penis strikes included, if one wasn't opposed to doing so.

In terms of criticizing Wing Tsun directly, I just think of it in this way, if it was so effective, why hasn't there been a single effective practitioner in all of MMA yet.... rant #2 over.

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