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i like a girl.

whoa whoa whoa.

I like a girl too (from Canada... thank you Canada!)

Will probably lose interest in her soon though, because I am so picky. She is pretty mellow, and unfortunately, I am not like that. Also, she is super clean-cut, professional, and has a very moderate sense of humor, whereas I have none of those. =\ Where are the beautiful, talented, intelligent, and rich Korean and Japanese women?

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I'm a socially inept anime watching nerd, and a complete shithead to boot. I don't understand why people want to hang out with me.
You're lucky. Some people aren't any of those things and still no one wants to hang out with them.
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hire me

i need som eeast coast beezies

whatever your line of work is, i dont give a fuck, ill figure it out

east coasting

my work brings in mad beezies... (0)

haha... yeah man... what's the gig?!

...and it's a board game cafe, we just franchised (i think we're the only one operating in north america at the moment).

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Board game cafe? There's one in Toronto called Snakes and Lattes. Place is fucking bomb and always packed, so I think it would be highly successful.

I remember visiting one in Montreal in the early '90s. Great fun. No idea if it's still there though.

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