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G-star fall/winter collection


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What d'yall think about the upcoming fall winter G-star coats? Discuss.


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check the website... I posted it ^^

Anyways, I was initially excited about their coats... I'm wondering about the construction and such. I love the fits, but it seems like they're going bulkier this coming season.

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First of all I gotta say that I love G-star because of the slim fits. Unfortunately, the more I look at the G-star coats for this next season, the less enthused I am about immediately paying full price for them. Now, I could stand to rock just whatever I picked up so far in 06' (mainly blazers) for Fall... but come Winter, I'm gonna REALLY want a coat. And to be honest I'm too impatient to wait that long. I was at the Kenneth Cole outlet and was intruiged by this coat:



It has this very very cool ribbed cotton collar that's very warm (you can see me sweating). The coat's made out of a very smooth and soft material as well... could be a tech fiber I dunno but it doesn't feel like one of those REI shells... just smooth and waterproof looking.

Whatcha think? The price is around 150... could go down lower next week. I'm gonna keep my eye on this. You think there's anything in G-star's winter line to top this?

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Don't like the men's collection at all. Actually I wish they incorporated more of the womens looks into the mens. What is up with the floppy beanie look!? Just awful. And the jeans look awful; very unappealing.

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I agree that the denim's gross... hey, rirawin... what do you think about G-star's construction? Do you know of brands that are the same as G-star in terms of slim fitting jackets?

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thanks dj flame... I'm usually a large in G-star and that size usually stays around so I'm probably gonna get my sale on.

As for the urban outfitters remark... it's no surprise because they're like a staple brand in said store.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey all, sup? Been posting on the other SF for a lil while now but this is my first post here. Just wanting to get your opinions on this jacket. It's teh Army Quilted from teh new line. Thoughts?


crappy pic i know, it's the best my cell could do. and that pic was taken here in the soho store.

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That looks alright! Is it waterproof?

I like alot of the designs but their stuff always seems so cheap and thin. Maybe I just havent found the right stuff...

Also, the massive "GSTAR" printed across the back of most jackets is really tacky looking

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Yep, do not let Gstar make you their ho!

That jacket looks like it fits well though.

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Yep, do not let Gstar make you their ho!

That jacket looks like it fits well though.

No whoring here.... this piece is rather unobtrusive if you ask me. Not sure if it's waterproof but it is quilted and seems to be warm. I think this with a black hoody (which is how it is displayed) and some under layering, should be warm enough for most winter days.

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