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what causes the shiny sheen to new dry denim?


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I'm no expert whatsoever but I believe sanforized denim contains nylon as well to keep the denim from shrinking ..

This would also be a factor to the jeans actually catching fire if baked.

So stupid idea. :rolleyes:

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good to see an expert back!

isn't calendering fairly similar to the process for sanfordizing denim? I believe both involve compression and heat and fabric being rolled through large drums (correct me if this in inaccurate). then it would make sense that sanfordized denim, such as APC or Nudie has more sheen when new than shrink to fit denim (which is the true).


That's an interesting observation. Yes, I guess there is similarity in part of the process, although in sanforization the fabric is passed through rubber belts rather than directly between metal rollers. It's the compression against a hard surface which causes the sheen, and that is the emphasis of calandering.

On a side note, mercerising the denim will also produce a sheen via treatment with caustic soda bath.

And regarding sanforised denim and nylon. Those, as Tweedles wrote, are unrelated. However, nylon or more commonly, polyester tape is used sometimes to control the shrinkage & stretching on waistbands.

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  • 7 months later...
I think this pic pretty well represents someone wearing jean with sheen.

This pic shows up a very good example of the sheen on denim jeans.It is very hard to get such a pic that will show the jeans up like this.Wow.

ALSO,the position of the sun shining on the jeans gives them a great look.I have always been interested in those sort of pics as i think they show the denim out for being a different fabric from the way most people see them.

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